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Research Thesis MPT 2011-2013

S.No. Roll No. Name of Student Topic Guide  Co-Guide
1 11/FAS/MPT/001 BHAWNA GOSWAMI Effect of Inhibitive distraction technique on cervicogenic headcache and neck disability index in IT computer workers Dr. Shalini Grover Dr. Shobhit  Saxena
2 11/FAS/MPT/003 LEENA KUKREJA Effect of Tibio Femoral Traction and Proprioceptive exercises on pain, passive knee flexion impairement and proprioception in OA Knee Dr. Shalini Grover Dr. Shobhit  Saxena
3 11/FAS/MPT/004 MEGHA OMPRAKASH ARORA Effect of Thoracic Spine Thrust manipulation in improving Kyphotic angle, neck pain and disability in patients with mechanical neck pain. Dr. Shalini Grover Dr. Shobhit  Saxena
4 11/FAS/MPT/005 POOJA SHARMA Effectiveness of Hip abductors and external rotators strengthening versus general quadriceps strengthening exercises on pain, ROM, knee functional score in females with patellofemoral pain syndrome Dr. Shobhit  Saxena Dr. Shalini Grover
5 11/FAS/MPT/006 RICHA BHATIA Effect of Pilates Training in improving pain, muscle endurance and functional disability and in patients with lumbar segmental instability Dr. Shalini Grover Dr. Shobhit  Saxena
6 11/FAS/MPT/007 ROHINI SHARMA Effect of age on H/Q ratio at different angular velocities in state level middle distance male runners Dr. Shobhit  Saxena Dr. Shalini Grover
7 11/FAS/MPT/008 SHIVANI PATIAL Test- Retest Reliability of star excursion balance test in Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Dr. Unaise Dr. Shalini Grover
8 11/FAS/MPT/009 VANDANA VASISHT Test-retest reliability of the physical examination measures of scapular positioning in female primary school teachers with shoulder pain. Dr. Shobhit  Saxena Dr. Shalini Grover
9 11/FAS/MPT/010 ANCHAL SANDILLYA Fine motor skills in patients with Parkinson’s disease: effect of auditory cueing Dr. Deepti Sharma Dr. Praveen Gupta
10 11/FAS/MPT/011 DIVYA GUPTA Comparison of added and embedded mental practice along with modified CIMT on functional outcome of upper extremity in sub acute stroke patients Dr. Deepti Sharma Dr. Jitender Munjal
11 11/FAS/MPT/012 NEHA CHHABRA Effect of visual acuity correction on fine motor skills in kindergarteners with gender variation Dr. Monica Chaudhary Dr. Deepti Sharma
12 11/FAS/MPT/013 NEHA NARULA Correlation of cervical joint position sense with balance in middle aged cervical spondylosis patients Dr. Deepti Sharma Dr. Deepti Parashar
13 11/FAS/MPT/014 PRATEEK GAUR Effect of strength training on grip strength, pinch strength and hand function in Type II Diabetes Mellitus patients Dr. Deepti Parashar Dr. Deepti Sharma
14 11/FAS/MPT/015 REKHA DALAL Correlation between executive functions and physical performance in young adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Dr. Monica Chaudhary   Dr. Deepti Parashar
15 11/FAS/MPT/016 SAKSHI Comparative effectiveness of computer based instructions and hand out with illustrations for teaching exercises: skill retention in elderly population Dr. Deepti Parashar Dr. Deepti Sharma
16 11/FAS/MPT/017 SHIPRA SETHI Effect of embedded and added mental imagery on balance in elderly Dr. Deepti Parashar Dr. Deepti Sharma
17 11/FAS/MPT/018 HARISH CHANDRA JOSHI Effect of SAQ and Plyometrics on vertical jump height and standing height in basket ball players Dr. Shishir Nigam Dr. Gagan Kapoor
18 11/FAS/MPT/019 MANISH KONWAR CHETRI The effect of static and dynamic stretching on golf drag performance in recreational golfers Dr. Pooja Anand Dr. Shishir Nigam
19 11/FAS/MPT/021 PRADEEP YADAV Anthropometric and physical fitness values of different age group in  Indian Soccer refree: A comparison study Dr. Gagan Kapoor Dr. Shishir Nigam
20 11/FAS/MPT/022 SANDEEP GULAIYA Differences in dynamic balance scores in single sport versus multiple sport high school athletes Dr. Pooja Anand Dr. Gagan Kapoor
21 11/FAS/MPT/023 YOGESH CHOPRA Relation of dynamic balance with vertical jump height and explosive strength in university level athletes with chronic ankle instability Dr. Shishir Nigam Dr. Pooja Anand
22 11/FAS/MPT/025 SULEKHA Effects of short term exercise training with non invasive ventilation on exercise capacity and quality of life in severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients Dr. Pinki Bhasin Dr. Vandana Dua


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