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Since Its Inception Department Has Laid Great Stress On Research And Development. The Faculty has an active research program in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, Manual Therapy, Sports Physiotherapy, Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy, Neurological Physiotherapy, Pediatric Physiotherapy, Ergonomics, Sport and Exercise Physiology, Sport Biomechanics, Kinanthropometry, Kinesiology, Sport Medicine, Sport Psychology etc are field in which the MPT students have ventured into.

Deptt.  has been conducting research projects in the fields of

  •                 Training effects on athletes
  •                 Balance training and falls in older populations
  •                 Music therapy and relaxation in shooters
  •                 Somatotyping of the national and international athletes
  •                 Plyometric exercises and performance
  •                 Flexibility in athletes,
  •                 Pilates technique


1.No. of Projects Undertaken: 73

      In Last 2 Years            

2  No. of Papers Published               : 35

       (In National & International Journal having high repute)

3.  International Proceedings / Books :4

FAS  has latest Equipment and Infrastructure to support research. It promotes internationally competitive research and scholarship Cultivate excellence through selective investment in emerging areas of research objectives in individual disciplines of  Health Sciences, physiotherapy and Nutrition .

4. Over 30 research articles published in leading National and International journals in past 3 years.

5. Department  published 3 books ‘The Science of Human Movement’, ‘Sports Psychology and Training’ and ‘Exercise Physiology and Nutrition’ in 2012.



Anchal Sandillya Fine motor skills in patients with Parkinsons disease: Effect of auditory cueing
Divya Gupta Comparison of added and embedded Mental Practice along with Modified CIMT on functional outcome of upper extremity in subacute stroke patients
Neha Chhabra Variations in fine motor skills in kindergarteners : Effect of visual defect
Neha Narula Correlation of cervical joint position sense and balance in middle aged adults with cervical spondylosis
Prateek Effect of Strength Training on grip strength, pinch strength, and hand function in Type II Diabetic patients.
Rekha Correlation between executive functions and physical performance in young adults with ADHD
Sakshi Comparative effectiveness of computer based instructions and hand out with illustrations for teaching exercsises: Skill Retention in elderly population
Shipra Effect of added and embedded motor imagery on balance in elderly



Bhawna Effect of Inhibitive distraction technique on cervicogenic headcache and neck disability index in IT computer workers
Leena Effect of Tibio Femoral Traction and Proprioceptive exercises on pain, passive knee flexion impairement and proprioception in OA Knee
Megha Effect of Thoracic Spine Thrust manipulation in improving Kyphotic angle, neck pain and disability in patients with mechanical neck pain.
Pooja Sharma Effectiveness of Hip abductors and external rotation versus general strengthening exercises on pain, ROM, functional activity in patellofemoral pain syndrome
Richa Bhatia Effect of Pilates Training in improving pain, functional disability and muscle endurance in patients with lumbar segmental instability
Rohini Effect of H/Q ratio at different angular velocities in university level athletes



Harish Effect of SAQ AND Plyometric on leg power and vertical jump height on basket ball players
Manish The effect of static and dynamic stretching on golf drag performance in recreational golfers
Pradeep Anthropometric and physical fitness values of different age group in  Indian Soccer refree: A comparison study
Sandeep Difference in dynamic balance scores in one sport versus multiple sport high school athletes
Yogesh Relation of dynamic balance with vertical jump height and explosive strength in university level athletes with chronic ankle instability


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