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Initiatives & Innovative practices ( VAC, Teaching Learning, Assessment)

The School of Management & Commerce is committed to the holistic development of all its students. In order to support the vision and mission of Manav Rachna University towards developing globally competitive, ethical and socially responsible human resource, the school organizes various activities, events, activities, workshops, development programs, etc.

Industry connect and collaboration is emphasized through guest lectures, industrial visits, live projects, industry internships which enables students to the professional environment in their respective field. It enhances their experiential learning with real-world case studies and models that develop multicultural competencies and social networking capabilities. Industry internships of 8 to 10 months is provided to the students in order to expand their employability possibilities and experience in all functional areas of management in various firms. Industry Collaborations are key source of connecting our student with the diverse Corporate Culture and few of our prominent Industry Associations are –  National  Entrepreneurship Network (NEN), National Small Industry Corporation(NSIC),  Bhartiya Yuva Shakti Trust (BYST), Institute of Analytics ( IOA) a UK based Organization in Analytics,Yung Minds, MentorX, Asian Institute of Medical Sciences, Banking Financial services Sector. Skill Council Of India ( BFSSCI) have been instrumental in adding value to our Programs

International outlook and exposure to the students through the Global Immersion Program(GIP) has been extremely beneficial in preparing for international competitiveness. This further enhances the employability skills of our students in the corporate world.

Academic delivery through such contemporary methods using live industry projects, decision making and data analytical tools like SaS, Tableau, PowerBI and  business simulation workshops  aims to train and build the analytical critical and problem solving skills of the students. Simulation exercises provide student with insights into the world of business development, sales, manufacturing and the intricacies of creating and selling a product through series of business decisions. The teaching learning process is well supplemented  through use of technology & digital learning platforms like linkedin , Coursera, NPTEL courses etc.

In order to develop the leadership and behavioral competencies, students are given the opportunities to lead and organize events at regional and  National  level like National Start up Conclave, HR Summit, Business Haat etc. In order to develop the social networking skills to better collaborate in diverse teams, the students are also exposed to various soft skills workshops, professional development and skill enhancement courses like Aptitude Ability courses, quantitative ability to prepare them for higher education in national and international universities.

The entrepreneurial mindset and skills are nutured through regular mentoring and funding opportunities to the students for creating start-ups, pitching their ideas, incubating the business ideas, organizing boot camps and train the trainer programs to coach, guide and mentor the students to become future job creators.

Students are also sensitized about being conscious of their businesses actions and ensure how ESG compliance is gaining importance in business reporting. Promoting social entrepreneurs that address societal problems and getting students involved in such social projects help them to better grasp the business impact on society. The students are also associated with Dr. O.P.Bhalla Foundation to sensitize them to the need of community engagement and be responsible global citizens. They experience the need of community service by visiting NGO’s and social welfare organizations.

SMC  has also assembled a Newsletter – PANORAMA to showcase the writing and research skills as well as to build the literary taste of our students. This Newsletter is a Collection of all activities, events publications, students and faculty achievements which is being driven by the student Editorial team along with a faculty.

All of these activities help students develop a well-rounded personality, life skills, as well as social and emotional intelligence and social networking. As students are placed, the programs’ employability and entrepreneurship are highly gratifying.


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