Department of Journalism and Mass Communication

Department of Journalism and Mass Communication aims at imparting quality education in order to cater to the increasing demands of the industry and trains the students in various techniques of Communication. We take up challenges which come due to day-to-day innovations in communication technology. Faculty members are sincere, dedicated, well qualified and experienced. They have been associated with national and multinational organizations such as Aajtak, Zee News, India TV, Sahara Group, Discovery Channel, Doordarshan, All India Radio, Headlines Today, Fairfax Business Media (Australia), Dainik Bhaskar, Navbharat Times (TOI Group), Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC, JNU campus) and prominent universities of the country. Some faculty members are actively engaged in guiding research projects. They are encouraged to design syllabi that impart contemporary relevance to the various programmes of study. Teaching & Research go hand in hand in this department. The programme BAJMC is designed in such a manner where- in almost all branches of knowledge are incorporated to make the students more self-reliant and industry oriented.
Department of Journalism Courses
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Activities and workshops
- Organizing National Media Conclave has become a yearly phenomenon at FMeH organized in the month of August, for the past 3 years. Deliberating on burning issues, the conclaves have seen media luminaries; corporate communicators and students meet together under a common roof. The topics of the conclaves have been Fake News: impact and challenges (in 2018), Media Outreach: Responsibility & Accountability (in 2017) and Media & Society: Prospects & Challenges (in 2016). Leading Journalists namely Mr. Sanjaya Baru who has been editor of Indiaís major financial newspapers, The Economic Times, Financial Express and Business Standard, Ms. Anurradha Prasad, Chairperson & MD, BAG Network; Mr. Pankaj Pachauri, Founder & Editor in Chief, Go News;
Mr. M.K Venu, Founding Editor, The Wire; Dr. Chandan Mitra (Editor, The Pioneer), Dr. A. Surya Prakash (Chairperson, Prasar Bharati), Mr. K.G. Suresh (DG, IIMC) have been some of the eminent speakers. - A workshop on Social Media writing was conducted in February 2018 by “Talk 360” comprising a team of journalist including Sh. Pradip Bagchi from Times of India
- A workshop on anchoring was conducted wherein eminent news anchor Ravish Kumar of NDTV News Channel, described and shared his experiences and techniques about different areas of production of a television channel The students were told about Reporting, Editing, Packaging, Production Control Room, Sound, Lights, etc.
Beyond the Classrooms
Faculty Members
The Departments under FMeH have highly qualified faculty with wide experience, industry exposure and research orientation. The faculty has published research papers in reputed professional journals. They are sincere, dedicated, competent and experienced.
FMeH employs around twenty faculty members along with one Video editor and camera person for its studio. They have been associated with national and multinational organizations such as Aajtak, Zee News, India TV, Sahara Group, Discovery Channel, Doordarshan, All India Radio, Headlines Today, Fairfax Business Media ( Australia), Dainik Bhaskar, Navbharat Times ( TOI Group), Indian Institute of Mass Communication( IIMC, JNU campus) and prominent universities. All the faculty members are also associated with reputed literary associations and societies to keep abreast with the recent developments in their research areas. Some faculty members are actively engaged in guiding research projects. They are encouraged to design syllabi that impart contemporary relevance to the various programmes of study. Here, teaching & research go hand in hand.
Course-Specific Facilities
Classrooms have been provided with TV Sets, LCD & Audio System. J&MC has modern equipment (camera, edit bays, teleprompter, etc.) and has a state-of-the-art studio which is comparable to any Television studio in the capital and NCR region. The students enjoy access to Manav Rachna Community Radio where they are trained in radio techniques. The Computer lab has 30 computers and has all the required software for design and print production. This helps the students in framing their TV and Radio Programmes and contributing towards putting together, designing and publishing of the in-house tabloid newspaper CAMPUS BUZZ, as part of their curriculum.
Job Prospects after the completion of the course:
Television: Reporter, Anchor, Producer, Copy Editor, Script Writer, Researcher, Production Executive, Video Jockey. Radio: Radio Jockey/ Anchor, News Reader, Reporter, Producer, Programme Executive, Script Writer, Copy Writer. Internet & Mobile: Content Writer, content designer. Newspaper and Magazine: Reporter/ Correspondent, Feature Writer, Business Writer, Copy editor, Sub-editor, Photographer.
Event Management: Event Executive, Event Manager and Event Designer.
There is a plethora of career opportunities in both Public and Private sectors for the students of Journalism and Mass Communication.
Teaching Methaodology
- Classroom lectures are delivered by highly qualified and experienced faculty.
- The content for lecturers is planned keeping syllabus and research in mind.
- Special guest lecturers by†experts from the media industry are a regular feature.
- Lesson plans are uploaded on the ERP system at the beginning of each semester.
- Media Analysis classes are held every day to keep students abreast with daily news and happenings.
- Students experience hands-on-training at the television studio.
- Regular visits to the library is encouraged.
- Students are encouraged to do independent study guided by faculty.
- Research work is encouraged through media tracking assignments.
- Regular Industry visits for students are organized to give them an insight into the real world of media.
FMeH conducts workshops on various aspects of broadcast journalism for both B.A and M.A – Journalism and Mass Communication programmes, keeping in view the current technology trends, innovations in journalism and up to date workflows for news television. These workshops shall cover reporting, anchoring, breaking news, news production and the role of a producer, different departments of a news channel, writing for television news, the newsroom scenario, operations – live PCR / camera/ editing / technical overview of modern television newsrooms and Digital Media.
Research At Undergraduate Level
The Faculty has made consistent efforts to introduce research at undergraduate level. To this end, Live Case Studies are conducted with the help of students on topical issues in the first year itself. Surveys of various kinds (Media Habits, Time Spend, Students’ Perception of their University, Voting Campaign Impact, etc.) are used to familiarize the students with basic research tools.
Placement Assistance
In addition to placement services provided by the Corporate Resource Centre (CRC) at the university level, FMeH provides training & placement opportunities to all its students right from the beginning. No wonder even 1st year student have got work-opportunities in national and multinational organizations such as CNN-IBN, Sahara TV, Asia News International, The Hindustan Times, The Indian Express, The Statesman, Tata Tea Jago Re!, Corvo, and, Weber Schandwick.
Course Structure
The Course is divided in two semesters: Semester I (July -December) Semester II (January – May) The course concludes with one month internship for the students. There are in all five papers taught in each semester and each paper has a Unit devoted to Research and digital aspects of the subject. Each semester ends with exams comprising the papers taught in the respective semester.