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Journals – Department Of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Title of paper

Name of the author/s

Name of journal

Design of PV-Grid Integrated System and Mitigation of Blackout Effect in LV Network

SM Parashar, G Leena, M Pande

Design Engineering,2021

Order Reduction of Linear time invariant large-scale system by preserving the impact of dominant poles in the reduced model

Pragati Deb, Leena G

International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Aug 2021

Comparison of adaptive filtering scheme for sustainable and efficient communication in smart city

V Vimal, A

Khosla, P Prabhakar, S Arora

Sustainable Energy Technologies & Assessments,2021

Identification of spectrum holes using energy detector based

spectrum sensing

NehaChaudhary , RashimaMahajan

International Journal of Information Technology, 13, pages1243–1254 (2021)

Early skin cancer Detection Microwave imaging


Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, 33270-3327,2021

Energy detector based

spectrum sensing

towards efficient

detection of primary


NehaChaudhary , RashimaMahajan

Journal of

Electrical Systems,2021

Integration Schemes for Hybrid Generation Systems

Ashish Grover, Anita Khosla

International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering,2020

Design and Simulation of 20MW Photovoltaic Power Plant

Ashish Grover, Dr.AnitaKhosla,Dheeraj Joshi

Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, July 2020

Comparative Analysis of Positive Output Super Lift DC-DC Luo Converters

Richa Khera/Adlakha, Dr.Anita Khosla, Dheeraj Joshi

Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,May 2020

An Intelligence technique based control model for power system stabilizer

Sujata Arora, Leena G.

International journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, vol.34, no.6, pp.598-613 , May 2020

Stability enhancement of grid connected PV system using model reference adaptive controller

Pankaj Negi, Yash Pal, Leena G

Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, vol. 41, issue 2, Sustainable Informatics and Optimization, pp 463-473, April 2020.

Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System Stability Enhancement Using Ant Lion Optimized Model Reference Adaptive Control Strategy

Pankaj Negi, Yash Pal,Leena G

Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems,March 2020

Simulation of Photovoltaic Based DC-DC Converter Topologies


RichaAdlakha, Dr.AnitaKhosla, DheerajJoshi

International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE),March 2020

Centralized and decentralized AGC schemes in 2-area interconnected power system considering multi source power plants in each area

Nizamuddin Hakimuddin,
Anita Khosla, Jitender Garg

Journal of King Saud University
– Engineering Sciences
(Elsevier),Feb 2020

Integration Schemes for Hybrid 7Generation Systems

Ashish Grover, Dr.AnitaKhosla, Dheerajjoshi

International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering,Jan 2020

Review on Challenges and Issues in Smart Grid

Ragib Fasih Khan, Deepanshu Singh, Praveen Nadar, Lakshay Sharma, Neha Chaudhary

MuktShabdJournal,June 2020

Fault detection in power transformers using random neural networks

Amrinder Kaur,Dr.Yadwinder Singh Brar,Dr.Leena G

International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE),Feb 2019

A Study of Solar Powered Water Pumping System using PVSYST

Richa Khera, Dr.Anita Khosla, Dheeraj joshi

International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR),May 2019

Study of different Simulation Software’s for Optimization and Economic Analysis of Photovoltaic System

Ashish Grover , Dr. Anita Khosla and Dr. Dheeraj Joshi

International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), May 2019

Optimal Automatic Generation Control in 2-Area Multi Sources Power System with Natural Choice of Power Plants in each Area

Jitender Garg.,
 Anita Khosla, 
Hakimuddin, N.,

EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology, June 2019

Forecasting of GHG Emission and Linear Pinch Analysis of Municipal solid waste for the city of Faridabad, India

Mahender Singh ,Leena G

Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Jan 2019

Comparative Analysis of Fault detection in transformers using different Fuzzy Membership function

Amrinder Kaur, Dr.Yadwinder Singh Brar, Dr.Leena G

IOSR journal of Engineering,Feb 2019

Forecasting of waste to energy system: A case study of Faridabad, India

Mahender Singh ,Leena G

Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, March 2019

Comparative study ofDoubly Fed InductionGenerator and

Permanent magnetsynchronous generatorin Wind EnergyConversion System

Vineet Dahiya , Leena G

International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (IJEET), June 2019

Performance Analysis of Grid connected Photovoltaic system with Fuzzy logic control based VSC,

Pankaj Negi, Dr.Leena G, Yash Pal

Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems,Aug 2019

Stability Analysis of Grid-Connected PV System using PR Controller

Pankaj Negi, Dr.Leena G, Yash Pal

Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, September 2018

A Novel ANFIS based Algorithm for Fault Detection in Power Transformer

Amrinder Kaur, Dr.Yadwinder Singh Brar, Dr.Leena G

International Journal of Computer Application,Jan 2018

Distributed Energy Resources: Issues and Challenges

Deeksha  Sanwal, Disha Gusain, Leena G., Mohit Verma,

International Journal of Advanced Research, March  2018

A Review of various Techniques for the Improvement of
Differential Protection in Power Transformers

Mudita Banerjee, Dr. Anita Khosla

International Journal of engineering science and research (IJETSR), Sept 2017

“Future aspects of renewable energy sources in India”


Dr. Anita Khosla, Ashish Grover ,RichaAdlakha

International Journal of engineering science and research (IJESR),Sept 2017

Comparative study on Predictive Current Control and

Space Vector Modulation Techniques of Direct Matrix Converter in Wind Energy Conversion System

VineetDahiya , Leena G

International Journal of Engineering Research and technology, August 2017


Performance review of Artificial Intelligence Techniques based power system stabilizer for power system stability

Sujata Arora, Dr Leena G

International journal of New Era Research,June 2017

 A hybrid stabilization model for power system stabilizer

Sujata Arora, Dr Leena G

International journal of New Era Research, September 2017

Dynamic Economic Load Dispatch with Various Bidding Strategies in Competitive Electricity Market

Indu Maheshwari, Leena G, and N. S. Saxena

International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research,May 2017

A Review of Various Topologies & Control Schemes of DSTATCOM Implemented on Distribution Systems

Pankaj Negi, Dr.Leena G, Yash Pal

Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 1,March 2017

Automatic Railway System

Leena G, Chetan Singh Vidawat, NiteshJha

International Journal of Computer applicationsvol.159, no.8,February 17,

Neural based Algorithm for Fault
Detection in a Transformer

Amrinder Kaur, Dr. Yadwinder Singh Brar, Dr.Leena G

Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications, Nov 2016

Comparative Analysis of Shunt Active Filter with PI controller and ANN based Controller

Munazama Ali,Amrinder Kaur, Abdul Hamid Bhat

International Journal of Computer Applications, Aug 2016

Power quality improvement using voltage source converter (VSC) based unified power quality conditioner (UPQC).

Saima Ashraf ,Anita Khosla,Abdul Hamid Bhat

International Journal of Computer Applications, Aug 2016

Investigation on the role of D-Statcom for Power quality Improvement in Distribution Networks

AmrinderKaur, Leena G

MR International Journal Engineering & Technology, June 2016

Shunt Hybrid Filter for Harmonic Reduction to improve Power Quality using PI and Hysteresis Controller

Saduf shabeer, Ashish Grover, Abdul Hameed Bhat

International Journal of Computer Applications, 2016

 Reactive power market clearing based on pay-as-bid method with system security 

InduMaheshwari , Leena G , N.S. Saxena

International Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing (IJEM), 2016

Distribution Network Reconfiguration for Power loss minimization using bacterial foraging optimization algorithm

Manju Mam, Leena G   N.S. Saxena

Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,2016

Performance Evaluation of Multilevel AC/DC Converter for Power Quality Improvement with DC Bus Capacitor Voltage Balancing,

Humeera Altaf, Dr.Leena G, Dr.Abdul Hamid Bhat

Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,2016

A set of stabilising PD controllers: An application to Robot Manipulator

Leena G, G Ray

Journal of the Institution of engineers (India), Series B, 2015

A set of Stabilizing PID Controllers for Multi input-Multi output systems

Leena G, G Ray

International Journal of Control & Automation, vol.7 no.4 pp. 175-190. April 2014

ABC Algorithm based IT2, Fuzzy Controller

Anita Khosla, Dr. Leena GDr. M. K. Soni

International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications vol.06, no.6 pp. 29-36, May 2014

Performance Evaluation of Signal Strength and Residual Time based Vertical Handover in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

Sudesh Pahal, Brahmjit Singh, Ashok Arora

International Journal of Net. Tech. Sys. 2, No.1, 25-31 ,2014


Various Control Techniques and their Comparative Analysis for Inverted Pendulum

Anita Khosla, Dr. Leena G., Dr. M. K. Soni

The Association of Computers, Electronics & Electrical, ISSN 2158-7574 (ONLINE), ISSN 2158-7566 (print). 2014


Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controller to control the velocity and angle of Inverted Pendulum

Anita Khosla, Dr. Leena G. Dr. M. K. Soni

Intelligent Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications (IJISA), MECS Publisher, ISSN: 2074-904X (Print), ISSN:2074-9058 (Online). 2014





A Review of Designing Consideration of SMES

MeenakshiChahar, NishaDhaiya

International Journal of Electrical, Electronics &

Mechanical Fundamentals. Vol.14., Issue 01.01.2014.


Automatic Generation Control using PI controller with Bacterial foraging for both Thermal and Hydro Power plants

PreetiHooda, Leena G, Anita Khosla

International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, June 2014

Designing of a Digital Signal Processor for DC to DC Power Converter”

PoonamMavi, Dr. Ashok Arora, Dr. PradeepDimri

International Journal of P2P Network Trends and Technology (IJPTT) Volume 6 – March 2014


Implementation of PWM converter with discontinuous conduction mode”

PoonamMavi, Dr. Ashok Arora, Dr. PradeepDimri

EPICS(Energy Power and Intelligent Control System) 28-29 March, 2014


Designing & Implementation of a Current Mode DC-DC Buck converter

PoonamMavi, Dr. Ashok Arora, Dr. PradeepDimri

EPICS(Energy Power and Intelligent Control System) 28-29 March, 2014


Power Factor Correction Techniques”

PoonamMavi, Dr. Ashok Arora, Dr. PradeepDimri

EPICS(Energy Power and Intelligent Control System) 28-29 March, 2014


Review paper on DC-DC power converter

PoonamMavi, Dr. Ashok Arora, Dr. PradeepDimri

EPICS(Energy Power and Intelligent Control System) 28-29 March, 2014


A Novel isolated Bi-directional DC-DC converter for Renewable energy storage systems

PoonamMavi, Dr. Ashok Arora, Dr. PradeepDimri

EPICS(Energy Power and Intelligent Control System) 28-29 March, 2014


Fuzzy controller based current harmonic suppression using shunt active filter

Leena G., Bharathi Thakur,Vinod Kumar, AashaChauhan,

International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology(IJEET), vol.4,1,Jan-Feb 2013.

Introduction to design of fuzzy controller

Anita Khosla, Leena G., M.K. Soni

Excel International Journal of Multi disciplinary Management Studies, vol.3(4), April 2013, pp.236-253.

Computer Based model to filter real time acquired Human Carotid Pulse


Signal Processing an International Journal’, SPIJ vol.7 issue 1: 2013.

Performance Evaluation of various control techniques for Inverted Pendulum

Anita Khosla, Leena G., M. K. Soni

International Journal of Engg. Research and Applications (IJERA) , Vol 3, Issue 4, pp 1096-1102, July – Aug, 2013

Comparison of ABC and Ant Colony algorithm based fuzzy controller for an Inverted Pendulum

Anita Khosla, Leena G., M. K. Soni

Journal of Innovative Technology & Exploring Engg.(IJITEE) , Vol 3, Issue-3, PP 133-139, Aug 2013

ABC based fuzzy controller for an inverted pendulum

Anita Khosla, Leena G., M. K. Soni

European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol 110, No.4, PP-493-500. August 2013.

R.F. energy harvesting for hybrid applications

 Rajiv Dahiya, A.K. Arora, and V.R. Singh deshPahal, Brahmjit Singh, Ashok Arora

International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Volume – 2(Issue-5) April 2013

Simulation & Design of Power Factor Correction Prototype For BLDC Motor Control

Pradeep Kumar, P R Sharma and Ashok Kumar,

European Scientific Journal in  edition Vol.9, No. 12, Page No. 141 to 153,2013.

A Review of Inter-Carrier Interference Combating Schemes for OFDM Mobile Communication System.


MeenakshiChahar, NishaDhaiya

International Journal of Computer Science & Management Studies( IJCSMS) , Vol. 13., I2, ISSN (Online), 2231-5268,Dec 2013

An approach towards seamless handover with maximum resource utilization in Mobile wireless networks

SudeshPahal, Brahmajit Singh, Ashok Arora,

Journal of Communication Engineering& Systems, Vol. 2, issue 3, pp 1-10, 2012

Design of a set of decentralized PID controllers for an – link robot manipulator

Leena G.,Ray G

Sadhana Journal of Academy of Engineering Sciences, vol. 37, part 3,  pp.403- 423, June 2012.

Design of a set of decentralized PID controllers for an – link robot manipulator

G.. Datta K. B., Ray G.,

International Journal of Control Automation (InderScience), vol.6, no. 3/4 2012, pp.277-290.   DOI10.1504/IJAAC.2012.051885

Potential of Piezo-electric sensors in Bio-Signal acquisition


International Sensors & Transducers Journal, ISSN 1726-5479, Vol. 136, Issue 1, Jan 2012, pp. 147-157.


Filtering techniques for ECG signal processing

SeemaNayak, M.K.Soni, Dr.DipaliBansal

SeemaNayak, M.K.Soni, Dr.DipaliBansal

A novel approach for handover trigger time selection in WiMAX networks

SudeshPahal, Brahmajit Singh, Ashok Arora

Int J of Advanced Electronics & Communication Systems. Issue 2, Volume 2, Sept-Oct 2012.

Evaluation of barriers affecting the RMS with graph theory & matrix approach,

Dr. Ashok Arora,

International J of material & manufacturing processes, Taylor & Francis,vol.1, 2011.

Wavelet based multi resolution controller

Dr. Leena G., Vini Malik

Journal of Emerging Trends in Computer and Information Series, vol.2, special issue, pp.17-21, Feb 2011.

A set of stabilizing PID controllers for a single link robot

Leena G., Datta K. B., Ray G

International Journal of Control and Automation, vol.4, no.3, pp127-141, September 2011.

Evaluation of barriers affecting the RMS with graph theory & matrix approach

Dr. Ashok Arora 

International J of material & manufacturing processes, Taylor & Francis,vol.1, 2011

An Adaptive Fuzzy Controller for Trajectory Tracking of Robot Manipulator,”

Goshaidas Ray, Leena G and AmolKhalate,

Intelligent Control and Automation (ICA) Vol. 2 No. 4, pp.364-370, November, 2011.

An excellent approach of reconfigurable machine tool in manufacturing system.

Dr. Ashok Arora, 

Int. J of enterprise and innovation management studies, vol.2 (1) ,2011

Real time acquisition and PC to PC wireless Transmission of Human Carotid pulse Waveform.


Journal of Computers in Biology & Medicine, Elsevier, Science Direct, 39(2009) 915-920, Feb 2010.

Realization of digital filter structure in MATLAB,


Journal of Computers and Communications USA

Importance of computer aided process planning approach in RMS,

Dr. Ashok Arora, 

International Journal of applied Engineering and Research, Malasia, Vol 5, No. 9, pp: 1517-1520,2010.

Excellent techniques of Manufacturing Systems RMS and FMS,


Dr. Ashok Arora, ‘

International Journal of Engineering Science & Tech., IJEST, Singapore, Vol 2(3), pp:137-142, April 2010.

Feedback on students industrial training for enhancing Engg. Education quality: a survey based analysis,

Dr. Ashok Arora, 

International Journal of Engineering Science & Tech. vol 2(9) pp:4807-4816,2010.

Present status and impact of joint industry – academia evaluation on graduate engg students: an indian case study’ 

Dr. Ashok Arora

vol 2 (1) pp: 54-60,June 2010.

Resource sharing in indian scenario: a critical review,

Dr. Ashok Arora

International Journal of Engineering Science & Tech., IJEST, Singapore, Vol 4(1), Jan-June 2010.

Modelling & analysis of a power system for sub-synchronous resonance,

Dr. Ashok Arora

International Journal of mathematical modelling, simulations & applications, vol 2(4) pp: 245-259, 2010.

Labview based virtual instrument to acquire real time signals for implementing advanced communication techniques


MR International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol 2, No.2, Dec2010.

Stabilization of a Class of Nonlinear system
Via LMI Framework: A Sliding Mode Approach

Leena G, K B Datta, G Ray

M R International Journal
of Engineering and Technology,2009

A set of Stabilizing Controllers
 for MIMO Nonlinear system

Leena G, K B Datta, G Ray

M R International Journal of
Engineering and Technology,2008



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