Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
Infrastructure and Facilities
The department is equipped with state of the art infra structure to provide in depth and advanced teaching to both the undergraduate and postgraduate students.
With centralized air condition in the UG clinics, typhodont lab, post graduate clinics and seminar rooms, students have an amicable environment to perform their daily work and research activities.
The department house a state of the art microsurgery room where in students are trained to perform advanced microsurgical procedures.
The department conducted a 3-day national faculty development workshop on Magnification in Endodontics at Manav Rachna Institute of Research & Studies wherein eminentspeakers from across the globe brought in their expertise to impart knowledge to over 100 participants from all around the country.
The recently concluded five-day research methodology workshop was a one of its kind national event that even had speakers from overseas to train budding researchers. With a more than required patient input both undergraduates and post graduates are easily able to learn the best and polish their skills under highly trained faculty.
Our Courses
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Case of the Month
Radix paramolaris wrt 36
Case- CGF Pulpotomy wrt 48
Case – Vertucci’s class V configuration
Case: Aesthetic rehabilitation of maxillary anterior teeth with dental fluorosis using all ceramic veneers