Our Curriculum – Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Training is provided to under graduate students during their 3rd and final year in oral surgery in the form of theory lecture classes, clinical postings, chair side teaching, demonstrations and small group discussions. The department conducts sessional examination of the subject for the students.
Final Year
The final year course focuses on more advanced surgical topics including impactions, preprosthetic surgery,implants, bone graft and reconstructive surgery, management of benign and malignant lesions of the jaws, temporomandibular joint surgery, orthgnathic surgery and correction of dentofacial anomalies, mandibular and midface trauma management, management of soft tissue and dentoalveolar injuries, prevention and management of surgical complications, and surgical considerations in management of the cleft lip/ palate patients. A series of bench lab exercises in local anaesthesia technique, flap design and suture technique, and vital signs and management of medical emergencies complement this lecture series. This core of lectures is supplemented by daily small group seminars and complex case discussion sessions, which are scheduled during the clinical rotation in oral and maxillofacial surgery.
Third Year
The third year lecture series in oral and maxillofacial surgery occurs as part of the survey of dental specialities course. An introduction to the basic principles of the discipline including techniques of administration of local anaesthesia, basic exodontias, armamentarium and technique, fundamental surgical principles including asepsis, wound healing and hemostasis, complex exodontias, management of dentoalveolar infections are all addressed in a multidisciplinary case-based format.
Implant Dentistry
Implant dentistry curriculum in tandem with the Departments of Prosthodontics and Periodontics provides students with fundamentals regarding the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment planning. Inter-departmental patient management is promoted with emphasis on surgical placement of implants and post surgical maintenance.