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Foreign Language Duration and Fee Structure For MREI


Language Course details- Certificate Level
Language Certification/ level Hours Total Hrs  Fee (Rs.) Add: CGST @ 9% Add: SGST @ 9% Total (Rs.)
French Certificat de Français Elementaire 60 120 Hours 6097 549 549 7195
Certificat de Français Moyen 60 5139 463 463 6065
German Zertifikat Stufe 1 60 120 Hours 6097 549 549 7195
Zertificat Stufe 2 60 5139 463 463 6065
Spanish Certificado Elemental 60 120 Hours 6097 549 549 7195
Certificado Intermedio 60 5139 463 463 6065
Japanese Shyokyu Reberu 75 150 Hours 6992 629 629 8250
Chuukangengoreberu 75 6060 545 545 7150
Chinese (Mandarin) Zhengshu Ji: Di Yi 75 150 Hours 6992 629 629 8250
Zhengshu Ju: Di Er 75 6060 545 545 7150
Arabic Elementry Level 1 75 150 Hours 6097 549 549 7195
Intermediate Certificate 75 5139 463 463 6065


Language Course details- Diploma Level
Language Certification/ level Hours Total Hrs  Fee (Rs.) Add: CGST @ 9% Add: SGST @ 9% Total (Rs.)
French Diplôme de Français: Niveau 1 60 120 Hours 6992 629 629 8250
Diplôme de Français: Niveau 2 60 6060 545 545 7150
German Diplom Stufe 1 60 120 Hours 6992 629 629 8250
Diplom Stufe 2 60 6060 545 545 7150
Spanish Diploma Nivel Uno 60 120 Hours 6992 629 629 8250
Diploma Nivel Dos 60 6060 545 545 7150
Japanese Depuroma reberu 1 75 150 Hours 7924 713 713 9350
Depuroma reberu 2 75 6992 629 629 8250
Chinese (Mandarin) Wenping Ji: Di Yi 75 150 Hours 7924 713 713 9350
Wenping Ji: Di Er 75 6992 629 629 8250
Arabic Diploma Level 1 75 150 Hours 6992 629 629 8250
Diploma Level 2 75 6060 545 545 7150
Language Course details- Advanced Diploma Level
Language Certification/ level Hours Total Hrs  Fee (Rs.) Add: CGST @ 9% Add: SGST @ 9% Total (Rs.)
French Diplôme d’avancé: Niveau 1 75 150 Hours  8856 797 797 10450
Diplôme d’avnacé: Niveau 2 75 7924 713 713 9350
German Post Diplom 1 75 150 Hours 8856 797 797 10450
Post Diplom 2 75 7924 713 713 9350
Spanish Diploma Avanzado Uno 75 150 Hours 8856 797 797 10450
Diploma Avanzado Dos 75 7924 713 713 9350
Japanese Shingaku sotsugyo reberu 1 90 180 Hours 11652 1049 1049 13750
Shingaku sotsugyo reberu 2 90 10720 965 965 12650
Chinese (Mandarin) Di Yi Ji 90 180 Hours 11652 1049 1049 13750
Di Er Ji 90 10720 965 965 12650
Arabic Advance Diploma Level 1 90 180 Hours 8856 797 797 10450
Advance Diploma Level 2 90 7924 713 713 9350
English Language Course Details    
Level Duration  Fee (Rs.) Fee after 10% discount Add: CGST @ 9% Total (Rs.)    
Elementary 45 Hrs 8856 797 797 10450    
Intermediate 45 Hrs 8856 797 797 10450    
Advanced 45 Hrs 11652 1049 1049 13750    
Business Communication 30 Hrs 11652 1049 1049 13750    
Note: The above mentioned fee structures are in addition to the Registration fee of Rs 500/-


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