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Helpline no. 0129-4259000

Helpline no. 0129-4259000


B.Sc. in Culinary Arts

B.Sc. in Culinary Arts is a comprehensive 3-year degree program curated in close
coordination with the Knowledge Partner: Creative Cuisines Inc Learning. The
program has been designed to suit the needs of a student passionate towards
Culinary Arts and seeks an in-depth understanding in this field. The program would
provide the desired knowledge and skills through theory, practical training,
techniques and team work.

Key Highlights

  • A holistic understanding of the Culinary World including concepts like revenue,
    costings, and Management thereby promoting Entrepreneurship
  • Curriculum at par with Global Culinary standards and requirements
  • Celebrity Chef’s like Chef Kapil Middha and Chef Vicky Ratnani on board.
  • Strong focus on practical aspects of Food and Beverage Production and Service.
  • Customized field visits and food walks
  • Funded Entrepreneurial concepts and ventures
    Assured internships and placements.

Curriculum and Pedagogy

In the Manav Rachna we believe that any curriculum which deals with skilling of the
individuals can be best taught by
rendering hands on training followed by on-the-job training. That is why the program
has been designed with the best in the
industry and complete training will happen in the state-of-the-art kitchens which have
been created for the purpose. This
infrastructure is one of the best amongst the culinary schools in the whole of Asia. Also
the teaching will be imparted by
the best chefs present across the globe today.
• Experiential Teaching and Learning
• Practicals and workshops
• Focus on innovation and research.
• Field Visits for industry exposure
• Hospitality Seminars


Career Options

 Chef (Hotels, Restaurants, Cruise, Events
 Chef Entrepreneur
 Food Writer/ Blogger
 Personal Chef
 Food Journalist
 Gourmet Researcher
 Processed Food Industries

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