Gender Equality

It was the desire of the visionary founder of MRIIRS to provide world class higher education to the younger generations. This vision is successfully implemented through a transparent admissions policy that provides equal opportunity to all applicants.
The university puts special emphasis on the education of girls and women, especially among those from rural and marginalised sections. To Facilitate this, the university regularly undertakes outreach programs in the nearby girl’s schools and village schools, to promote access to various courses in the university, under the aegis of the O.P Bhalla Foundation.
Secondly, the university offers scholarship schemes for girl applicants, published in the admission brochures, social media and conveyed through counselling to all applicants. In 2020, relaxation were made to the eligibility criterion for girl applicants in order to increase the number of applications from girls and women. Besides, regular counselling and other financial or otherwise assistance is also provided on one on one basis.
Through these interventions and incentives provided to young people, especially in the villages nearby, MRIIRS is encouraging the women and girls to access higher education, so that they can compete for better job opportunities and entrepreneurial initiatives in the future.
- In 2021, a total of 509 women candidate took admission in the UG courses, of which 60 are first generation women to enrol in the higher education. The proportion of first time graduates is 12%
The data for the first generation women starting a degree is collected from the application forms filled by the candidates at the time of registration. The form requires the candidate to fill information about the education details of the parents and siblings which enables to determine this information.
The university is committed towards contributing to the promotion of women’s education access, especially in STEM, so that they can avail better opportunity to earn and be economically independent and socially empowered. To enable girls and women especially from rural and outreach areas an easy access to join higher education provided by MRIIRS, the university has put systems to track application rate, admissions taken and provide total support and supervision to enable them to complete the degree successfully and on time.
The success of this initiative is guided by the policies and processes that provide safety, security and processes to meet this target.
- List of Gender Intervention Bodies:
1. |
Policy for Gender Equity |
2015 |
2019 |
2. |
Internal Complaints Committee |
2017 |
2019 |
3. |
Gender Sensitizing Cell |
2017 |
2021 |
- Role of female in Higher education at MRIIRS
It is a well accepted fact that the social order of our society is patriarchal in nature. Despite education and progress made after the independence, the patriarchal value system prevails in every aspect of life. Conscious efforts are made through academic teaching, research and community outreach to mainstream gender, also reflected in the policies and programs developed at MRIIRS.
There is a balance among faculty, senior management, students in STEM education, and projects. Through strategies to promote equal and respectful cooperation across several levels, our women leadership allows removing hindrances created by managerial and financial systems that create and foster inequality. Led by women deans, Head of Departments, senior faculty members MRIIRS, constantly creates a safe learning and teaching environment for female students and staff. The Departments, and central organising bodies have built and created annual programs that allow women students and faculty members, to organize events within and outside the University promoting solutions to issues related to women and community. Regular student-teacher mentorship programs, problem and solution-centric counselling programs have been conducted across the campuses.
- Non-discrimination through policy
MRIIRS ensures a safe, inclusive, and equitable work environment for productive teaching learning experiences for all. We acknowledge that women are typically underserved and underrepresented, in both general academic situations and in personal resources available to pursue academia.
While a women’s empowerment agenda is a priority, the ultimate goal of MRIIRS agenda is to attain gender equity, in which both men and women experience a balanced and cooperative environment that promotes inclusivity. Such inclusivity ensures the vision and mission of the university are achievable by everyone, regardless of gender, sexuality, caste, class, creed, etc.
- Women support through employee rules
MRIIRS’s policies and procedures aim to actively support staff members, especially women, and their participation in the workplace so that family life does not become a systemic barrier to career progression for women with children, and for staff members in general.
Maternity leave up to two living children may be granted by the competent authority to a woman employee on half pay for two months. However, she may be given additional maternity leave as required on medical ground without pay. provided
Paternity leave up to two living children may be granted by the competent authority to a male employee for two weeks, on half pay. However, he may be given additional paternity leave if required on medical grounds, without pay
In order to facilitate the education opportunity for students and scholars who have young children, or women staff and faculty who are mothers to young dependable children, the university has set up a free crèche facility (BLOOMZ) within the campus, service with proper child health care facilities for the young mothers. This has been a very popular and successful initiative to provide access to women students and employees to pursue their university engagement without worrying about their responsibility towards their children.
At BLOOMZ, children are nurtured in a truly comfortable and natural learning environment. More than morals, efforts are made to inculcate good habits among the tiny tots. They are engaged in playful games and are taught counting, sizes, and shapes.
- Women Support through Counselling and Mentoring
To encourage women, especially those who are coming out to work or study for the first time, the university encourages interactions within gendered groups to promote support and peer learning. At MRIIRS there is a professional mentor body – Maitri – that operates as an informal group of women employees – that congregates regularly and provides support and networking opportunities among women.
Another platform is provided by the Gender Sensitizing Cell, that regularly holds discussions and lectures for awareness on gender issues and policies. It is a well accepted fact that the social order of our society is patriarchal in nature. Despite education and progress made after the independence, the patriarchal value system prevails in every aspect of life. In order to create awareness, and mainstream gender equality, the university promotes communication, awareness, opportunities, practices and philosophies that creates equality and equity of genders a priority. Right from the beginning of the academic session, as a part of the orientation program, the new students are made aware of the various gender sensitization programs and encouraged to participate in promoting gender inclusivity and equality. At the department level, there are courses offered on gender, regular discussions, lectures, programs and activities that facilitate the gender awareness and inclusivity. Annually the celebration of International Women’s Day in March, the Queer month (June) is a regular fixed feature of the university.
- In 2019, the university conducted a 45 Day Women Entrepreneurship Development program (EDP).
- In 2020, on women’s day an International film festival ‘Prakriti’ was organised where foreign universities from Muscat, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka also participated.
- In 2021, the Women’s Day weekend was celebrated with Panel Discussions, student’s activity based programs on the issue and an awareness rally.
- In 2022, on the women’s day, women academicians, doctors and civil society leaders gathered to motivate everyone to become a part of the movement. The chief guest for the program was NCW- Haryana Chairperson herself!
As a part of its academic culture, ongoing programs, discussions, talks and workshops on Women’ issues and opportunities such as Entrepreneurship, Women in Sports, Women in Media, etc. are organised at department as well as central level, throughout the year..
- Reporting the incidents of discrimination
MRIIRS is committed to create a work environment in which all employees and students are treated with respect and dignity. The university is committed to the equal rights of all human beings regardless of gender, etc.
Through the university’s policies, schemes and programs promoting anti-harassment and anti-discrimination work culture, the university sets standards and expectations of behaviour.
The university ensures that while reporting any incidents of discrimination in any form, protection of the complainant is essential to encourage the reporting of any misconduct or action that is against the vision of MRIIRS.
- Reporting Procedure
MRIIRS has constituted several anti-discrimination and complaints committees in compliance with the UGC (Promotion of Equity in Higher Education Institutions) Regulations, 2012 and UGC (Grievance Redressal), Regulations, 2012.
Each committee is composed of a Chairperson and several members.
This allows any student or staff member to report any complaint, including any violation of the Gender Equity Policy, as well as any act of ragging, harassment, discrimination, misconduct are a few of the many kinds of violations that can be reported. The policies as well as the procedures provide channels to report the violation on any level.
- Activities related to Gender related issues
Sr. No. |
Activitiy |
Date |
Link |
1. |
Webinar on ‘Unequal Pay: Gender Discrimination at News – Media Workplace |
25/10/2021 |
2. |
Journal of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
3. |
‘Swayam Siddha: Celebrating Being A Woman’ |
25/02/2016 |
4. |
Photo exhibition on the theme ‘Being a Girl’ |
03/09/2016 |
5. |
Zero Discrimination Day |
01/03/2022 |
6. |
Orientation Program: Activities in the village |
17/06/2019 |
7. |
Panel Discussion to build awareness on Gender Equality and Sustainable Future |
08/03/2022 |
8. |
World Intellectual Property Day: Theme: Women in making |
27/04/2018 |
9. |
College Diaries: Safety, security and discipline … |
16/06/2019 |
10. |
Expert lecture on the Sexual Harassment Act-1995 and its implication for workplace |
18/04/2022 |
11. |
Celebration of International Women’s Day |
07/03/2022 |
12. |
capacity building workshops on BREAKING THE SILENCE: ISSUES OF Gender and Equality in India |
20/08/2016 |
13. |
Give Her Wings to Fly : Free distribution of sanitary pads |
11/11/2020 |
14. |
National Film festival on International Women’s Day: Prakriti |
07/03/2020 |
15. |
Each for Equal Campaign |
06/03/2020 |
16. |
International women’s Day |
06/03/2018 |
17. |
International Mother’s Day |
07/05/2022 |
18. |
Celeberating womenhood |
27/01/2022 |
19. |
Panel discussion on Womenprenuership – Unravelling Success Stories |
10/03/2021 |
20. |
“International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women” |
25/11/2022 |
Notable Projects
Quick Links
- International Day for the Elimination of Violence against women
- Radio Programme- International Day against Elimination of Violence against women
- Session for Students towards Gender Sensitization
- Role and Purpose of the Gender Sensitizing Cell
- Session on Gender Sensitization
- Master Class on Gender Sensitization in Higher Education Institutions
- Q&A session on Gender Sensitization in MRIIRS Community
- Session for Faculty Members towards their role in gender sensitization
- Session on Role and importance of Gender Equality in professional and personal life
- International Conference on Women in Indian Society: A Representation in Literature, Art and Culture
- Gender Equal Future-Technology, Innovation and Inclusion
- Cyber Jagrookta_A Programme on Legal Awareness and Cyber Crime
- Insta Live sessions with WeDiversify-India Female Economy & Intentional Inclusion
- Insta Live sessions with WeDiversify-India Female Economy & Intentional Inclusion
- Women’s Day celebration_Brainstorm Career Opportunities in Civil Engineering with Women in the Sector
- Visit to 18th AIWRT Asian Women’s Film Festival
- Maintenance of Working Environment at Workplace
- Guest lecture on Barriers of Women Empowerment
- Expert Talk on Physiotherapy Perspective on Gynecological Conditions
- Margdarshan
- Workshop on Sneh Ashram
- Celebrating Pride month in Manav Rachna
- Awareness session on Gender Sensitization and Transgender
- Celebration of International Women’s Day 2023
- Annual Strategic perspective Plan of Gender Sensitization Cell – MRIIRS