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Helpline no. 0129-4259000

Helpline no. 0129-4259000

<-->            [responsivevoice_button voice='US English Female' buttontext=''] ADMISSION_BROCHURE ONLINE COURSES
(Formerly Manav Rachna College of Engineering,
NAAC Accredited 'A' Grade)


Fee Structure 2024-2025

  MRU Fee Structure for all programmes for AY 2024-25
School Course 1stInstallment 2nd Installment Total Fee AY 2024-25
Tuition Fee Development Fee University Fee* Student Resource Fee Training Partner Fee Total of 1st Installment Tuition Fee Development Fee Total of 2nd Installment
SoE B.Tech-CSE  81000 18000 12000 39000 0 150000 81000 18000 99000 249000
B.Tech- Computer Science and Engineering  with various specializations in association with Industry Knowledge Partners 86000 16000 12000 48000 31000 193000 86000 16000 102000 295000
B.Tech (ECE, ME) 62000 10000 12000 36000 0 120000 62000 8000 70000 190000
B.Tech (ECE) with Hons. & Specializations 64000 18000 12000 6400 34000 134400 64000 25600 89600 224000
B.Tech (ME) with Hons. & Specializations 62000 12000 12000 29000 10000 125000 62000 12000 74000 199000
B.Tech Robotics & artificial Intelligence 78000 18000 12000 36600 0 144600 78000 18400 96400 241000
B.Tech-CSE (Lateral Entry) 75000 18000 12000 35500 0 140500 75000 17000 92000 232500
B.Tech – Lateral  (ECE,  ME) 52500 15000 12000 35500 0 115000 52500 15000 67500 182500
B.Tech – Lateral (ECE) (with sepecializations 64000 18000 12000 3400 34000 131400 64000 23100 87100 218500
B.Tech – Lateral (ME) (with sepecializations 50000 22000 12000 26500 10000 120500 50000 22000 72000 192500
B.Tech – Computer Science and Engineering  (Lateral Entry)  with various specializations in association with Industry Knowledge Partners 81000 16000 12000 40500 31000 180500 81000 16000 97000 277500
  M.Tech- 2 years 38000 10000 12000 24500 0 84500 38000 7000 45000 129500
SMC MBA 110000 21000 12000 18100 36000 197100 110000 21400 131400 328500
BBA (Finance & Accounts) 68000 16000 12000 29700 0 125700 68000 15800 83800 209500
BBA(Health Care Management) 68000 16000 12000 29700 0 125700 68000 15800 83800 209500
BBA (Entrepreneurship & Family Business) 68000 16000 12000 29700 0 125700 68000 15800 83800 209500
BBA (Global Operations Management ) 68000 16000 12000 29700 0 125700 68000 15800 83800 209500
BBA Business Analytics-with Industry Knowledge Partners 73000 17000 12000 8700 24000 134700 73000 16800 89800 224500
SoS M.Sc.- Physics 32000 7000 12000 8400 0 59400 32000 7600 39600 99000
M.Sc.- Chemistry 32000 7000 12000 8400 0 59400 32000 7600 39600 99000
M.Sc.- Mathematics 32000 7000 12000 8400 0 59400 32000 7600 39600 99000
Integrated MSC Data Science & Analytics (5 year) (offered for the First Time 59000 14000 12000 23000 0 108000 59000 13000 72000 180000
SoE&H B.Ed. 43000 10000 12000 14800 0 79800 43000 10200 53200 133000
B.A B.Ed./ BSc BEd. Integrated 43000 10000 12000 14800 0 79800 43000 10200 53200 133000
SoL B.A. LLB(Hons.) Integrated 69000 16000 12000 31100 0 128100 69000 16400 85400 213500
BBA LLB(Hons.) Integrated 69000 16000 12000 31100 0 128100 69000 16400 85400 213500
 LLB(3 years) 55000 10000 12000 21700 0 98700 55000 10800 65800 164500
LLM (One Year) 61000 10000 12000 23800 0 106800 61000 10200 71200 178000
* It includes Life Time Alumni Membership Fee of Rs. 3000/- (One Time at the time of Admission)                    
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