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Student Centric Teaching LearningMethodologies

Student Centric Teaching Learning Methodologies

At Manav Rachna University, the holistic development of all its students is ensured. All the teaching learning through various strategies and methods. The overall development is of utmost importance as the sole purpose is to create ideal citizen is one who has all the competencies including academic, emotional, spiritual and most essentially humanitarian. The need of the hour is to create sensitive and aware citizens for the new millennium who is ready to face any unforeseen challenges and the curricula are planned and designed in a manner that ensures all the essential competencies get ingrained into students seamlessly.

The methodologies are designed systematically so as to groom responsible professionals who are impeccable at their knowledge, skill set and have a positive attitude towards the environment. The curricula are in line with the industry requirements and the changing dynamics. The main focus is at student centric activities where the teacher plays the role of a facilitator and the student gets hands-on experience.

All activities are outcome based and mapped with proper rubrics so that an accurate evaluation may be done.

Problem based Learning

All students from undergraduate and post graduate courses across all disciplines are compulsorily asked to be part of projects and problems. The projects are time bound and based on measurable outcomes. Students are part of activities which are result oriented and outcome based. They are designed in a manner that they decide their own problems, tentative solutions and also the time lines in consultation with their mentors. The entire process is planned and executed under the supervision of faculty mentor who hand-holds the student till the very last stage. All the courses are designed keeping in mind the outcome or the final result by way of better learning and construction of experiences.

To ensure project based learning the following steps are in place:

  • Courses offered in PBL mode wherever possible.
  • Participation in Hackathons.
  • Students encouraged to be part of real-life technical problems.
  • Seed money to develop prototypes.
  • Students part of many dedicated projects with national and international mentors.
  • Manav Rachna IIC nurtures projects proposed by students as per the viability.
  • Students encouraged to be part of international events and also conceptualize them.

Experiential Learning

Students are encouraged to be part of such activities that are hands-on in nature and are based on real experiences. These activities help in providing real life experience

  • Visits to laboratories
  • On-the-job trainings and workshops
  • Internships with industry experts
  • Rigorous apprenticeship with leading lawyers at all courts of the country.
  • Regular visits to places of excellence.
  • Field trips and visits.


Participative  Learning

Students work in collaboration with students from other colleges within the country and outside. Students from different departments collaborate with their diverse skill sets and learning experiences.

  • Peer tutoring and learning in groups
  • Poster presentation / Group presentations
  • Attending seminars and conferences.
  • Being part of group projects and assignments.


Academic Process

All the teaching learning at Manav Rachna University happens through activities that are outcome based. Problem based Learning, Experiential learning and Participative learning are the students centric methodologies that are followed. Each course has  clearly defined Course Objectives and are mapped with Program Objectives which is further mapped with the Program Educational Objectives. All activities are carefully designed keeping in mind the COs, level of performance and level of achievement of the student. Freedom of expression is given to the student where he may showcase his work in any form like written, a recorded audio or even a concept map. Rubrics are accordingly designed for each activity in the class.

The Department Academic Committee plans out a meeting at the beginning of the semester. The purpose is to meet each course co-ordinator personally and to understand clearly defined lesson plans and mode of delivery. Also the assignments or projects that have been designed are also discussed at this point. There are suggestions by the DAC which are incorporated. The purpose is that the student should not just remain a passive listener but an active receiver of the knowledge. He needs to construct his own conceptual understanding and to enable this the methodology followed is essentially student-centric.

 Faculties use research oriented assignments and those that are outcome based. This is aimed at inculcating a critical thinking and reflective thinking approach among students. The activities are designed in a manner to encourage team work and co-operative learning.

Stepwise Academic Plan

  • DAC (Departmental Academic Committee) is constituted to monitor all academic processes.
  • Academic Calendar is finalized.
  • Events are planned and co-ordinators for events are assigned. They ensure proper and timely execution of the event.
  • Internship co-ordinators are assigned who connect with the industry and ensure suitable and timely internships training of all students.
  • Grievance committee is constituted in each Department where students and faculties can bring up any kind of harm they are subject to and appropriate remedial steps are taken maintaining the anonymity of the aggrieved.
  • Co-curricular activities planned in a manner to complement learning on the field.
  • Meeting of DAC, Faculty members with Head of Department to check if all desired parameters are being met.
  • Review meeting is scheduled at the end of two months to check students’ performance.
  • Remedial classes are scheduled for students.
  • At the end of the semester an overall review of each component is done to evaluate student performance. The outcome is then evaluated and mapped with the learning objectives.






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