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Strategies for Slow Learners and Advanced Learners

Strategies for Slow Learners and Advanced Learners

Assessment Process, Initiatives, Outcomes

At Manav Rachna University, the ideal of diversity and inclusion is practised in word and spirit. The school vehemently believes and follows formal institutionalized practices where early identification and screening is done so as to help students according to their special requirements. Having identified them. They are categorised into the average, slow learners and advanced learners. A formal rigorous institutionalized process is in place for the assessment and follow up action. Once assessments are done, a plan of action is designed and the impact analysis is done based on the outcomes of the remedial plan. The process is as under:

Assessment process

At the entry level, an early screening is done to identify students who may have some issues related with learning or any other related condition. Certified professionals carry out the early screening and accordingly a differentiated instructional plan is designed as per the specific requirement of the identified students. At times students have a certificate of disability, in that case from the very beginning a differentiated plan is chalked out for them. Based on the performance of the students across various assessments that happen all through the academic year further remedial classes are arranged.

In the case of a slow learner, special classes after the main classes are organized, online tutoring is done. Peer tutoring is another practice where the student is helped by his peer as identified by the teacher.


Having identified students who would need hand-holding, remedial plans are designed for special instructions that would be provided to students. It is a known fact that one coat cannot fit all, therefore differentiated instructions are designed.

Differentiated instructions

These instructions are designed as per the profundity of the specific need of the student. They are provided easier material in simple language and also the assessments are done in multiple ways. Students are given the liberty to answer in their own words.

Multiple means of engagement and evaluation

Students with special needs are provided instructions in different formats that is audio, visual and kinesthetic. There is a mix of all these so as to cater to the learning styes and learning requirement of the students. Performance in various tests is evaluated and closely documented.

Steps taken for Slow Learners

  • Early screening and identification of special needs of students.
  • Involvement in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
  • Workshops specifically designed for students
  • Involving students in social responsibility initiatives outside the campus.
  • Peer tutoring is encouraged for easier understanding of the text and material.
  • Counselling sessions are organised for special students.
  • Open book assignments are given.
  • Schedule for extra classes is prepared for remedial sessions.
  • Regular meetings with mentors are organized to document progress.
  • Special sessions on empowerment are organized for students.
  • Mapping of the courses is done with practical tasks so as to provide the opportunity to diverse learner.
  • Regular meetings with parents are organized to monitor progress.

Steps taken for Advanced Learners

Students who have been identified as advanced learners are provided special hep and assistance in their academic progress.

  • Special training for entrance examination is organized.
  • MOOCs are offered to students so that their existing knowledge may be enhanced.
  • Hands-on and activity based workshops are organized
  • Field trips and industry visits are planned for students.
  • Additional mentoring sessions are organized.
  • Special sessions by industry experts are organized.
  • Mentoring for students looking at entrepreneurial ventures.
  • Scholarship of high achievers.
  • Encouragement for attending/ conducting/organizing workshops related to the interest area of student.
  • Encouragement to write research papers based on experiential learning.
  • Assistance/guidance for participation in national level competitions.


The above steps are showing positive results by way of an improvement in the overall performance and confidence level of students who need special help and assistance. Their overall SGPA and the overall performance is surely paying off.

Plan of action

A detailed plan is designed at the beginning of the academic year with the constitution of an academic committee to closely monitor the progress of the students who are enrolled. The committee analyses the previous performance of students and tries to identify some special students. The Committee comprises the Dean and Head of the Department, Certified Rehabilitation Professional, one faculty member and at times even parents are part of the committee. It is mandatory that the committee must have the program coordinator as part because he/she has all the records of the student. Early screening and identification is done. Remedial plan is designed for both the higher achievers/ advanced learners and the slow learners. The performance in all tests is documented. This involves all the curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. A documentation of each case is done as a case study and the final report is presented to the Head of Department for final review.

An alternative methodology for evaluation is also adopted at times for special students according to their learning need after discussion with experts. A final outcome is then analyzed after the continuous formative and summative evaluation.


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