National Environment
Youth Parliament
National Environment Youth Parliament 2022
The National Environment Youth Parliament has been created to catalyse the development of a new India, establishing a dialogue between exceptional minds of different varsities.
Their interpersonal engagements, exchanges and deliberations on key National Environmental issues, will lead to a sea change in the next five years.
Endorsed by
Special Guest for NEYP 2022
Aarya Chavda
Ardent and zealous reformer of change, 12-year-old Aarya Chavda began her journey as an
author, illustrator, speaker, heritage and environment crusader, at the age of 6. Since then, she has been fundraising for a cause by donating her art and book proceeds for the welfare of underprivileged cancer patients. Author of 8 books, she pens down her thoughts and voices her words by raising awareness on relevant topics such as heritage preservation, current climate crisis, girl child education and children’s fundamental rights and duties, while leaving the message of peace, non-violence and equality, by depicting the ideologies and legacy of Mahatma Gandhi. Her books have been patronage and published by UNESCO New Delhi, introduced by United Nations India and published in digital platforms like UNESCO Digital library and UNESCO Global Citizenship Education (GCED). Through these platforms, her books are read by readers of all age worldwide. Her books empower readers to find their voice and use it to speak out for change, so that they can enhance their understanding for a peaceful and sustainable future.
A fervent believer of, “Small actions lead to big changes”, Aarya demonstrates her commitment through her public awareness campaign on ‘Preservation of Cultural Heritage’ and ‘Sustainable living- Caring for Climate’, by taking talks in schools, private and government institutions. Since past 4 years, she is proudly representing the cultural heritage
of India on National and International platforms.
Kautilya Pandit (Google Boy)
Born on 24th December 2007, Kautilya Pandit (Google Boy) has been featured thousands of times in print media and he has been telecasted live 100s of times on various TV channels due to his immense capabilities and vast knowledge. The mega show KBC which is conducted by Star of the millennium Shri Amitabh Bachhan gave Kautilya a great bounce and helped a lot in getting new platforms and also attaining knowledge as it also helped Kautilya in being the youngest person(at the age of 5 years) to reach KBCs Hotseat.
Work done for Social purpose (presently)
1. Visiting 100s of Government and private Schools and giving free classes to students
2. Giving free motivational speeches to students on how to be a genius and how to increase memory power
3. Giving free science classes to many students of grade 10 at the age of 12
4. Giving free online classes to students in lockdown
5. Giving free online motivational speech to IIT and NEET aspirants in lockdown
Kautilya always tries to gain knowledge and increases his never-ending curiosity.
Nowadays, Kautilya is a science lover, GK wizard, geography genius, Astronomy champ and of course, a keen learner.