Universities play an important role as a convener and facilitator of support processes of SDGs to make an impact in our society. Manav Rachna University introduces the Peace and Sustainability Club as Manav Rachna university has a strong faith in youth power and their conviction in making a better world. Let’s join hands to attain Sustainable Development Goals and to attain peace by becoming a part of Peace and Sustainability club Peace and sustainability Club is a platform through which we can pick up social, economic and environmental issues. Together we can make small but impactful changes in our surroundings and to ourselves to make a difference and contribute to a better world. Attitude of Peace cultivates a harmonious working culture that promotes excellence in Performance. Top Leaders display this quality and rise above others. India has an opportunity through our youth to Engineer Peace and become world leaders in this aspect. Let’s take a first step towards making India proud. Performance in bringing Social good is more conspicuously noticed than economic operational performance. Let’s sensitize Global citizens to make Manav Rachna and India shine in the world. International Placements can be achieved through demonstrating traits of “Engineering Peace” more than mere Operational Domain brilliance. Let’s use this platform to make our career better. Above all, an attitude of peace helps you lead “Powerful life” through your own conduct and lifestyle and making a difference to “Have Not” thereby ensuring Peace through sustainability.
Peace Champions, Green Warriors and Gender Champions. At Manav Rachna, we are making a thoughtful attempt to create a brigade of Peace champions, Gender champions and Green warriors who we believe would be influential and leading citizens of Peaceful and Sustainable New India. This brigade will spread the message and connect to the society and they would also expand the network of other youth outside Manav Rachna.
Peace champions to be an instrument of peace
“If you want peace, be peace.” Youth power should be harnessed by indulging in art and culture related pursuits to develop a peaceful mind to be an instrument of Peace. We believe that youth should be at the Centre of Change and Innovations. Youth ought to be empowered and should be physically and mentally strong to make them key agents for nation’s development & peace. We at Manav Rachna, believe in youth power and we envision to make youth competent global professionals with values and integrity. This endeavor aims to prepare the youth of the nation to develop into leaders who will contribute in bringing progress to society through such actions and initiatives that promote Peace and Sustainability in the area of their chosen career. Peace is not confined to meditation or breathing techniques. People experience a calm mind through music, art, nature and even knitting, weaving many more. We would like youth to experience this by unraveling peace using these methods. The Peace Champions initiative aims to make youth, responsible citizens by engaging them in peace building activities. Eventually we look forward to its expansion to a larger body at inter university level. We are also looking forward to synergizing activities of the organizations and institutions who are working for the cause of Peace. We are very hopeful to achieve the goal of inculcating a right attitude in youth towards peace and sustainability through technology and curriculum put together.
Harnessing Youth raising army of Green warriors
Manav Rachna seeks to empower youth to be at the forefront of this mission of environmental protection. Army of Green warriors is being raised in Manav Rachna who would be spearheading this movement to spread the message of saving the environment and attaining carbon neutrality to the masses. In order to make our campus carbon neutral, green and to make students environmentally conscious citizens, we need to initiate the change from ourselves. Youth is the torch bearer to make changes in society. We, at Manav Rachna believe in youth power and wish to use it in our effort to make the mother earth greener and sustainable. We need to change the mode of interaction at all levels – home, university, workplace and so on. To increase the outreach for creating an environment that fosters environmental sustainability, Manav Rachna envisages engagement of youth as GREEN WARRIORS. This is also an attempt to divert youth in productive, creative problem solving to make them true leaders of future India. This endeavor aims to prepare the youth of the nation to develop into leaders who will contribute in bringing progress to society through such actions and initiatives that promote Sustainability in the area of their chosen career.
Upholding gender equality through Gender champions: Parashakti
Gender socialization of both boys and girls begins early and it is important to initiate change processes at a young age to shape attitudes and transform behaviors. Colleges play a major role in this regard, because students spend a large amount of time engaged with peers in such settings. Creating positive social norms in educational institutions that value girls and their rights is important to improve their well-being and achieve long-term and sustainable social change. India is home to around 232 million individuals aged 5-24 years, who account for 1 9.15% of the country’s population. Engaging with these young boys and girls is crucial to help them critically assess notions of masculinity and question prevailing gender inequities. We need to tap into the goodness and sense of justice of these young boys and girls and give them tools for maintaining those gifts as they encounter people and experiences that are different from their own. We need to engage with them to challenge and shift gender norms that contribute to girls and women having less worth, opportunities and decision-making ability than boys and men. In order to promote gender equality, guaranteed by Article 15 of the Indian Constitution, we need to change the mode of interaction at all levels – home, school, workplace and so on. To increase the outreach for creating an environment that fosters equal treatment, MRCPS envisages engagement of Gender Champions in university. It is a joint initiative of the Ministry of Women and Child Development and Ministry of Human Resource Development which is being implemented at Manav Rachna.