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Manav Rachna Centre For Medicinal Plant Pathology


The vision of the centre is to promote, develop and provide innovative eco-friendly products, technologies and solutions to address the pathological problems and challenges in the area of Medicinal Plants through multidisciplinary high-quality research in safer, cost effective and sustainable manner


The mission of the centre involves an eco-friendly approach for sustainable farming of MPs understanding the farmer’s aspirations and providing technological solutions to them through sound and novel science, keeping in mind the environment, plant, soil and human health issues. The centre with the aim of “Vocal for Local”, will come forward to encourage local businesses and products by finding solutions to emerging challenges due to rapid crop diversification, increased farming, increased germplasm movement and climate change which are bringing changes to Host-Pathogen dynamics leading to emergence and re-emergence of plant pathogens in Medicinal Plants. Manav Rachna Centre For Medicinal Plant Pathology will work in the area of research, education, conservation, promotion and popularization of Medicinal Plants.


Undertake basic, applied and adaptive research to address current and future challenges in Medicinal Plants(MPs)Pathology.

  1. To provide eco-friendly management options for various plant diseases relevant to the prevailing agro-climatic and socioeconomic situations.
  2.  In-situ & ex-situ conservation and augmentation of local medicinal and aromatic plants.
  3. Locate and protect biodiversity to preserve agro-ecosystem of the state and to document traditional knowledge and technologies.
  4. To improve the knowledge base on ecosystem services and their values, and stimulate the integration of this knowledge for sustainable ecosystem management.
  5. To collaborate with national and international institutions/centres and key industry partners on applied R&D.
  6. To generate trained manpower through short-term trainings & internships, project mode appointments as JRFs, SRFs, Project Associates etc.
  7. Capacity building, training and consultancy initiatives particularly in the areas of best agricultural practices and inculcating entrepreneurial spirit to be successful Agripreneurs.

Major Research Areas/Divisions

About us


India has a rich heritage of 15,000-20,000 medicinal plant species out of which 7,000-7,500 species are being used in Indian System of Medicines. The Medicinal Plants (MPs) contributes substantially to drug innovations and primary health care of human population across the globe. The Indian forests are the principal repositories of large number of medicinal and aromatic plants, from where the raw materials are collected predominantly for manufacture of drugs and perfumery products. The biodiversity & medicinal plants need to be conserved effectively for the future and where medicinal plants are taken from the wild; there utilization should be in a sustainable manner. In order to meet the increasing demand for medicinal plants, from both domestic and overseas markets, there is a need to focus on both ex-situ cultivation as well as in-situ conservation of medicinal plants.


Medicinal plants are vulnerable to be attacked by several pests & pathogens viz. fungi, bacteria, viruses, phytoplasmas, insects and nematodes, which are responsible for severe losses in crops in terms of both quantity as well as quality. Therefore, the disease caused by such pests and pathogens is a major limiting factor for the successful cultivation of major medicinal and aromatic plants. Post-harvest loss is also a great problem where toxins are produced by the pathogens. Thus, plant diseases create challenges in commercial agriculture and pose real economic threats. The “health of these healthy plants” should be a matter of high concern. For the management of pests and diseases, non-chemical, eco-friendly safer methods are essential. Preparedness for combating against the biotic stresses of medicinal plants is prerequisite for horizontal expansion of medicinal plants acreage in future. The medicinal plants need to be conserved effectively for the future and the time is right to utilize the global demand for Indian Medicinal plants and their bioactive metabolites by sustainable production of healthy and disease-free quality plant material through emerging technologies, biopesticides and biotechnological tools.


Plant pathology is an important stream, as it pertains to Plant diseases diagnosis, management, forecasting and forewarning, quarantine host-pathogen interactions, pathogen resistance and management, all of which can help enhance yield and quality of Medicinal plants. To effectively deal with the changing scenario, the approach will be to move from galenical to genomical era with the advancement in agricultural and basic sciences and merging of exploratory and translational research, thus, harnessing the potential of modern science, encourage innovations in technology generation, particularly in some of the critical areas as genomics, diagnostics, nanotechnology, and technology dissemination in Medicinal Plants.


The centre will also promote multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional research with ‘Seed to Shelf’ approach introduced by National Medicinal Plants Board, wherein, aspects related to Quality Planting Martials (QPM), Good Agriculture Practices (GAP’s), Good Post Harvest Practices (GPHP’s) would be addressed. Technology transfer on crops and varieties that can be grown in an agro-climatic zone, the soil suitability for a particular crop, the cultivation practices, sources of seed and quality planting material will be provided to support farmers/ growers so that medicinal plants as a crop diversification option may pick up to the desired level.



Injudicious and long period utilization of synthetic agrochemicals in agriculture has led to toxic pesticide residues, appearance of pests, resistance and resurgence, environmental contaminations, negative impacts on human health and non-target organisms thus, leading to pernicious effects on food chain of the ecosystem. This has forced the researchers and pesticide industries to shift their focus to more reliable, sustainable and ecofriendly products. Bio formulations are a potential alternative to currently used agrochemicals and the need of the hour.

Keeping these perspectives in view we have developed a bio formulation which It is a remedy for bull’s eye pathogen in tomato at low cost. It is a non-chemical based formulation to reduce disease of tomato plant combining with features for enhancing soil structure and fertility, maintaining soil biological activities and promoting plant growth & biomass. For this product M/s Tricho Agronica Pvt Ltd, Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, MRIIRS is working in association with IOCL, R & D centre on the project ” Bioformulation: An Ecofriendly solution against Fungal Pathogens in Tomato” with a fund of Rs. 172 Lacs. The validated PoCs will be further supported for commercialization through equity participation.


While working in the Start-up at various agro-climatic zones of India with farmers and different leading Agricultural Institutes & Universities: Indian Agricultural Research Institute(IARI, New Delhi), University of Horticultural Sciences(UHS, Bengaluru), Bidhan Chand Krishi Vishwavidyalaya (BCKV, Kalyani, W. Bengal), Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology (SKUAST, Srinagar), it was observed that the pests & pathogens are the limiting factor in quality production of Medicinal plants. After several interactions with SMPB Haryana & NMPB, New Delhi the Centre for Medicinal Plant Pathology came into existence to serve the problem.


Organization Chart


Advisory Board

  • Mark Everard, Ecosystem Services, University of West England (UWE), Bristol
  • Dr. J.L.N. Sastry,Former CEO, National Medicinal Plants Board, Former Vice President – Healthcare Research DRDC, Dabur India Ltd
  • Satyanshu Kumar, Director, ICAR-Directorate of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Research, Boriavi, Anand, Gujarat 
  • P. C. Trivedi, Former Vice Chancellor of Five State Universities , Former Head, Botany and Biotechnology, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur
  • Rakesh Pandey, Emeritus Scientist, Central Institute of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants (CIMAP)
  • S. K. Barik , Director, National Botanical Research Institute, CSIR-NBRI , Lucknow
  • Ramesh Chand, Director, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University (BHU)
  • Dinesh Singh, Principal Scientist, Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI).
  • N. K. Dubey, Professor, Faculty of Science, Banaras Hindu University
  • N. Mathivanan, Director & Head, Department of Centre for Advanced Study in Botany, University of Madras


Over-Arching Leadership: Dr. Pardeep Kumar,

PVC & Dean

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Director: Dr. Nidhi Didwania 

Professor, Department of Biotechnology
Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Faculty:  Dr. Preeti Nandal

Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology
Faculty of Engineering and Technology



Thematic research areas

  • Survey and Assessment of Losses due to major emerging diseases
  • Systematics/Taxonomy of Medicinal Plants
  • Eco-friendly Management of diseases in Medicinal Plants
  • Development of Integrated Disease Management Strategies
  • Best Agricultural practices for disease free MPs
  • Development of commercially viable formulations of biopesticides and botanicals for pests
  • Climate Smart Farming in Medicinal Plants
  • Microbiome studies to enhance secondary metabolite Production
  • Role of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in cultivation of MPs
  • Pathological disorders in Protected Cultivation
  • Biodiversity Conservation
  • Soil & Water conservation Practices in MPs
  • Waste Management in MPs
  • Smart Diagnostic Tools
  • IoT for MPs cultivation
  • Post-Harvest Technologies
  • Agribusiness management in MPs
  • Molecular Bioprospection

Projects / Consultancy/Patents/Publications

Ongoing Projects:

Externally funded:

  • National Conference on Emerging Technologies and enabling Tools for Eco- Friendly Management of Diseases of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants (MAPs). National Medicinal Plants Board(NMPB), Ministry of Ayush
  • Establishment of Institutional Herbal Garden for ex-situ conservation and to introduce Biodiversity. National Medicinal Plants Board(NMPB), Ministry of Ayush
  • Survey, diagnosis and identification of Plant Pathogens in prioritized Medicinal Plants.(In Process)

Internally Funded: 

  • Ecodata of MRIIRS with QR code Scanning (under preparation)
  • MedPlant care: An app based technology for disease identification in Medicinal Plants.(In Process)

Ongoing Consultancy :

  • Study of Biodiversity in and around Dholta Pahar Iron Ore Mine, Sarkanda Reserve Forest, Keonjhar Orrisa.,WCS, Bhubaneshwar
  • Study of Biodiversity in and around Netrabandha Pahar (West) Iron Ore Mine, Baldihi & Sauna, Koida Tehsil, Sundargarh, Orrisa.,WCS, Bhubaneshwar


Completed projects

Project titled “Bioformulation: A novel, innovative ecofriendly solution against fungal pathogens in Tomato.” under Indian oil start up scheme (IOSUS), a Start-up India” initiative announced by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi (September 2017 –September 2020)

Application Ref. No: TPRE1565673375 14/04/2017.  

Name of Startup Company: M/s Tricho Agronica Pvt. Ltd

Funding Agency- Indian oil Corporation Ltd.

Amount of Funding: Rs 172 Lakhs



  •  “Biopesticide Formulation and a process for the preparation thereof” dated 19th June 2017. Ref No.-201711021416 (Published on 21st Dec 2018)
  •  “Biopesticide Oil Formulation” dated 30th October 2018. Ref No.-201811041013 (Published on 18th August 2020)
  • PCT dated 30th October 2019 Ref. No. PCT/IN2019/050794 (International Patent) the publication No. WO 2020/089933 A1 on May 07, 2020
  • US Patent Application No. 17/290,629 filed on April 30, 2021 for the invention entitled “BIO-PESTICIDE OIL FORMULATION” in the name of M/s Tricho Agronica Pvt. Ltd. and Indian Oil Corporation Limited May 31, 2021 Based on PCT International Application No. PCT/IN2019/050794 (Published Feb 2022)
  • EUROPE Patent Application No. 19879063.6 filed on May 31, 2021, for the invention entitled “BIO-PESTICIDE OIL FORMULATION” in the name of M/s Tricho Agronica Pvt. Ltd. and Indian Oil Corporation Limited 02 June2021


Research Papers-29
Book Chapters-05
International Conferences-02
National Conferences-10


Workshops/Conferences/Seminars/Guest Lectures

Upcoming Conference:

National Conference on Emerging Technologies And Enabling Tools For Eco-Friendly Management Of Diseases Of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants (MAPs)(Eeedmap-2022) 29th – 30th September, 2022 at Manav Rachna International Institute Of Research & Studies



Dr. Nidhi Didwania

Director, Manav Rachna Centre For Medicinal Plant Pathology, MR-CMPP

Professor,Department of Biotechnology
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Sector-43, Aravali Hills, Delhi-Surajkund Road, Faridabad -121001(Haryana) INDIA
Off No. :0129-4198293; Mobile No. :9971815521

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