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International Symposium
on Computational Intelligence
Event 3
In order to stay competitive, it is required to keep abreast with the latest technological developments in the core businesses. Investment in Start-Ups in the Core Areas is likely to play an important role in the quest to remain competitive.
Our Mission for Start-Up Initiative is to Identify, Invest and Nurture Start-Ups that can become successful companies in the long run and provide profitable returns from this diversification.
Our Mission is to search for an exciting idea which may be in the nascent and planning stage and there is an unmet need for mentorship and initial funding. The MRIIRS would help to support and nurture these high risk early starters and their concepts.
The main aim of this is:
a. To establish and validate proof of concept
b. To enable creation of spin-off.
Scope & Support
- BIG scheme supports only up-to Proof-of-Concept stage.
- Funding will be in the form of Grant-in-Aid limited up-to Rs 2.5 lakh.
- The period for the study would not exceed 18 months.
The following Eligibility Criteria should also be met: The Start-Up should not have been black-listed by any Government entity or any Incubation Centre. The Promoter(s) shall not have any criminal case pending in any Court of Law in India. A Declaration to this effect shall be required to be submitted in this respect.
Start-up should deal with one or more of the following topics:
Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing
Computer Vision
Medical AI-based
Internet of Things with AI (IoT-based AI)
Virtual Assistants
AI-based robotics
security using embedded systems
self-driving cars
Face recognition and emotion analysis on embedded devices
Home automation setups
Speech recognition to interact with the user
Conversational chatbot AI
Advanced x-ray scanning
Advanced screening and diagnosis of malicious diseases
Retinal scans
Identification of various symptoms for specific conditions
Object detection
Human activity recognition
Human emotion and gesture detection
Image segmentation
Optical character recognition (OCR)
Optimization algorithms to solve complex problems
High-quality recommendation systems
Advanced spam filtering
Fraud detection
The following Criteria is proposed to be used for Short listing of Start-Up proposals:
- Technical Feasibility
- Scalability
- Key Team Member’s Profile
- Founder’s Background
- Risks involved and Mitigation Plans
- Financial Returns
- Market Size and Growth Rate
- Patentability
Entrepreneurs, Potential entrepreneurs from Academia, Research Institute, Researchers, PhDs, B.Tech, M.Tech students from repute Institutions.
Proposals must be submitted as a PDF/word file by email to isci2022@mriu.edu.in before due date.
No Hard Copy to be submitted. Proposals submitted through mail only would be considered.
Proposals must clearly describe the idea.
Date of Submission: 10 -02-2022 12:00 PM
Date of Acceptance: 25-03-2022 12:00 PM