Professor, Department of Physics, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, 28644, South Korea,
Office phone: 043-261-2269, Cell phone: 010-9203-1681.
Area of Expertise: Synchrotron Radiation based Nano-Spectroscopy. Thin films, battery materials, catalyst materials.
Citation: 7921, H-Index: 41.
Staff Scientist, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, South Korea.
Area of Expertise: Development of Synchrotron Accelerator Beam line facility and research of Nano-Science and Nanotechnology.
Citation: 7336, H-Index: 43.
Staff Scientist, Inter-University Accelerator Laboratory, New Delhi.
Area of Expertise: Development of particle Accelerator Beam line facility (Ion-implantation) and research of Nano-Science and Nanotechnology.
DST-INSPIRE faculty, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India.
Area of Expertise: Development & Testing Magnetic materials/devices, Research on Ion-irradiation induced modification in the electronic band structure of magnetic materials and dielectric materials.
Staff Scientist & Manager; X-ray open Laboratory
Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, South Korea.
Area of Expertise: R&D of X-ray-based machines like; X-reflectivity, X-ray diffraction, PDF, and Small angle X-ray scattering.Synthesis of Hydroxi-apatite for an artificial bone graft.
Staff Scientist, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, South Korea.
Area of Expertise: R&D of X-ray based machines like; X-reflectivity, X-ray diffraction, PDF, and Small angle X-ray scattering.