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Dr. Meenakshi

Dr. Meenakshi Arora, Associate Professor in the Department of Infrastructure Engineering at The University of Melbourne, Australia  has given her consent to be part of our international guest panel. Her brief profile is mentioned below and  photo is attached.

 She is also Assistant Dean (International Student Pathways) at the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology and Director of Melbourne India Postgraduate Academy (MIPA). MIPA is a joint PhD program between University of Melbourne and 4 premier institutions in India including IIT Kanpur, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Madras and IISc Bangalore.

She teaches Water and Waste Water Management, Engineering Risk Analysis and Civil Hydraulics and supervises Masters and PhD students. Dr Arora has extensive experience in water resource management research and teaching. She completed her PhD from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India in August 2006 on Fluoride and Arsenic removal from underground water. Her main research interests are Urban Water Cycle modeling, Water quality (surface water, groundwater and stormwater), Contaminant transport modeling and groundwater remediation.

Dr Arora has close collaboration with Victorian water authorities such as Melbourne Water, Yarra Valley Water, South East Water, councils and several industries. She has made significant contributions in understanding the integrated urban water cycle modeling, water-energy nexus and interactions between various centralized and decentralized water supply systems and their impacts on the existing infrastructure. She developed a cost effective defluoridation plant to provide safe drinking water to the communities in rural India and has served on NHMRC’s ‘Fluoride Reference Group’ panel to advise on the fluoridation of drinking water in Australia. She has worked in extreme environments of Antarctica to study the contaminant transport behavior at sub zero temperatures and played an instrumental role in development of modeling tool to interpret capture of soluble hydrocarbons in freezing grounds.

Dr Arora has been awarded several awards for her leadership and ground breaking research including Women in Water Leadership Award, Excellence Award for internationalization of research, Victoria Fellowship for innovative research in physical Sciences and Emerging Leader Award. She leads several national and international projects funded by Government and industry. Dr. Arora chaired an international conference on ‘Practical Responses to Climate Change’ held in 2014 as part of Engineers Australia’s National Convention. She has also co-chaired 2 Australia India conferences in 2017 and 2019 and has organized various sessions in national and international conferences and published widely in high impact journals. She serves as a member of editorial boards as well as reviewers for various journals of high repute. She is member of various departmental, faculty and University wide committees including Engagement Committee, Promotions Committee, UoM’s representative on Australian Water Association (AWA) and Australian Water Partnerships (AWP).

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