MANAV RACHNA INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH AND STUDIES (Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) FACULTY OF BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY Study Scheme BA/BSc. (Hon.) in Applied Psychology- Batch 2021-2024 SEMESTER- I Course Type Course Code Title of Course Pre-requisite Course, if Periods per Week Marks Duration of Exam Credits Internal External Total Title Code L T P Total Theory Practical Theory Practical Ability Enhancment Course CH-202B Environmental Studies 3 1 0 4 100 NA 100 NA 200 3 hours 4 Core BPSY-DS-106 Introduction to Psychology 3 1 0 4 100 NA 100 NA 200 3 hours 4 BPSY-DS-107 Practical Training in Psychology 4 4 NA 50 NA 50 100 Viva 2 BPSY-DS-103 A Bio-Psychology 3 1 0 4 100 NA 100 NA 200 3 hours 4 Discipline Centric Elective (pick any one)*** BPSY-DS-104 A Educational Psychology 3 1 0 4 100 NA 100 200 3 hours 4 BPSY-DS-108 Evolutionary Psychology 3 1 0 4 100 NA 100 200 3 hours Total for Core Course+ Discipline Centric Elective 9 3 4 16 300 50 300 50 700 14 Credit Elective Courses* Generic Elective (pick any one)*** PSY-GE-003 Introduction to Political Science 3 1 0 4 100 NA 100 NA 200 3 hours 4 BPSY_GE-27 Supervised Independent Learning** – Term Paper 0 0 6 6 NA 100 NA 100 200 Viva 3 Domain Centric Elective (pick any one)*** BPSY-ID-001 Pioneer Works in Psychology 3 1 0 4 100 NA 100 NA 200 3 hours 4 BPSY-ID-002 Youth Psychology * Under Elective Courses, beside the mentioned Domain Specific Elective Courses, other Inter-disciplinary, Generic, on-line Courses (MOOCs etc) and other approved courses shall be offered, which shall be notified well before start of the semester. The student shall be required and allowed to opt the courses out of offered courses as per maximum limit for maximum credits and for the category of Elective Courses under University Rules. ** Term Paper / Seminar / etc ***In order for paper to be floated atleast 20% of the class strength should opt for it -
MANAV RACHNA INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH AND STUDIES (Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) FACULTY OF BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY Study Scheme BA/BSc. (Hon.) in Applied Psychology- Batch 2021-2024 SEMESTER- II Course Type Course Code Title of Course Pre-requisite Course, if Periods per Week Marks Duration of Exam Credits Internal External Total Title Code L T P Total Theory Practical Theory Practical Core BAP-DS-201 Fundaments of Social Psychology 3 1 0 4 100 NA 100 NA 200 3 hours 4 BAP-DS-202 Practical Training in Psychology II 8 8 NA 50 NA 50 100 Viva 4 BAP-DS-203 Introduction to Research Methodology 3 1 0 4 100 NA 100 NA 200 3 hours 4 BAP-DS-204 Personality Theories 3 1 0 4 100 NA 100 200 3 hours 4 Total for Core Course+ Discipline Centric Elective 9 3 8 20 300 50 300 50 700 16 Credit Elective Courses* BPSY-GE-28 Supervised Independent Learning II** – Textual Analysis 0 0 8 8 NA 100 NA 100 200 Viva 4 Domain Centric Elective (pick any one)*** PSY-GE-002 Introduction to Sociology 3 1 0 4 100 NA 100 NA 200 3 hours 4 BPSY-ID-004 Vedic Maths * Under Elective Courses, beside the mentioned Domain Specific Elective Courses, other Inter-disciplinary, Generic, on-line Courses (MOOCs etc) and other approved courses shall be offered, which shall be notified well before start of the semester. The student shall be required and allowed to opt the courses out of offered courses as per maximum limit for maximum credits and for the category of Elective Courses under University Rules. ** Term Paper / Seminar / etc ***In order for paper to be floated atleast 20% of the class strength should opt for it -
MANAV RACHNA INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH AND STUDIES (Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) FACULTY OF BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY Study Scheme BA/BSc. (Hon.) in Applied Psychology- Batch 2021-2024 SEMESTER- III Course Type Course Code Title of Course Pre-requisite Course, if Periods per Week Marks Duration of Exam Credits Internal External Total Title Code L T P Total Theory Practical Theory Practical Core BAP-DS-301 Introduction to Statistics 3 1 0 4 100 NA 100 NA 200 3 hours 4 BAP-DS-303 Practical Training in Psychology III 6 6 NA 50 NA 50 100 Viva 4 BPSY-DS-302 Developmental Psychology I 3 1 0 4 100 NA 100 NA 200 3 hours 4 BAP-DS-304 Positive Psychology 3 1 0 4 100 NA 100 200 3 hours 4 Total for Core Course+ Discipline Centric Elective 9 3 8 20 300 50 300 50 700 16 Credit Elective Courses* BPSY-GE-29 Supervised Independent Learning III** – Survey Report 0 0 8 8 NA 100 NA 100 200 Viva 4 Domain Centric Elective (pick any one)*** BAP-ID-001 Media Psychology 3 1 0 4 100 NA 100 NA 200 3 hours 4 BAP-ID-002 Sustainability & Psychology * Under Elective Courses, beside the mentioned Domain Specific Elective Courses, other Inter-disciplinary, Generic, on-line Courses (MOOCs etc) and other approved courses shall be offered, which shall be notified well before start of the semester. The student shall be required and allowed to opt the courses out of offered courses as per maximum limit for maximum credits and for the category of Elective Courses under University Rules. ** Term Paper / Seminar / etc ***In order for paper to be floated atleast 20% of the class strength should opt for it -
MANAV RACHNA INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH AND STUDIES (Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) FACULTY OF BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY Study Scheme BA/BSc. (Hon.) in Applied Psychology- Batch 2021-2024 SEMESTER- IV Course Type Course Code Title of Course Pre-requisite Course, if Periods per Week Marks Duration of Exam Credits Internal External Total Title Code L T P Total Theory Practical Theory Practical Core BPSY-DS-401 Health & Nutritional Psychology 3 1 0 4 100 NA 100 NA 200 3 hours 4 BAP-DS-402 Practical Training in Psychology IV 6 6 NA 50 NA 50 100 Viva 4 BAP-DS-404 Psychological Testing 3 1 0 4 100 NA 100 NA 200 3 hours 4 BPSY-DS-403 Developmental Psychology II 3 1 0 4 100 NA 100 200 3 hours 4 Total for Core Course+ Discipline Centric Elective 9 3 8 20 300 50 300 50 700 16 Credit Elective Courses* BPSY-GE-30 Supervised Independent Learning IV** – Case Report Writing 0 0 8 8 NA 100 NA 100 200 Viva 4 Domain Centric Elective (pick any one)*** BAP-ID-003 Introduction to Sports Psychology 3 1 0 4 100 NA 100 NA 200 3 hours 4 PSY-GE-006 Indian Psychology * Under Elective Courses, beside the mentioned Domain Specific Elective Courses, other Inter-disciplinary, Generic, on-line Courses (MOOCs etc) and other approved courses shall be offered, which shall be notified well before start of the semester. The student shall be required and allowed to opt the courses out of offered courses as per maximum limit for maximum credits and for the category of Elective Courses under University Rules. ** Term Paper / Seminar / etc ***In order for paper to be floated atleast 20% of the class strength should opt for it -
MANAV RACHNA INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH AND STUDIES (Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) FACULTY OF BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY Study Scheme BA/BSc. (Hon.) in Applied Psychology- Batch 2021-2024 SEMESTER- V Course Type Course Code Title of Course Pre-requisite Course, if Periods per Week Marks Duration of Exam Credits Internal External Total Title Code L T P Total Theory Practical Theory Practical Core BPSY-DS-501 Industrial and Organizational Psychology I 3 1 0 4 100 NA 100 NA 200 3 hours 4 BAP-DS-503 Practical Training in Psychology V 6 6 NA 50 NA 50 100 Viva 3 BPSY-DS-502 Abnormal Psychology I 3 1 0 4 100 NA 100 NA 200 3 hours 4 BPSY-DS-504 Counseling I 3 1 0 4 100 NA 100 200 3 hours 4 Total for Core Course+ Discipline Centric Elective 9 3 8 20 300 50 300 50 700 15 Credit Elective Courses* BPSY-GE-31 Supervised Independent Learning V** – Summer Internship 0 0 8 8 NA 100 NA 100 200 Viva 5 Domain Centric Elective (pick any one)*** BPSY-DS-505 HRM 3 1 0 4 100 NA 100 NA 200 3 hours 4 Gender, Culture & Diversity * Under Elective Courses, beside the mentioned Domain Specific Elective Courses, other Inter-disciplinary, Generic, on-line Courses (MOOCs etc) and other approved courses shall be offered, which shall be notified well before start of the semester. The student shall be required and allowed to opt the courses out of offered courses as per maximum limit for maximum credits and for the category of Elective Courses under University Rules. ** Term Paper / Seminar / etc ***In order for paper to be floated atleast 20% of the class strength should opt for it -
MANAV RACHNA INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH AND STUDIES (Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) FACULTY OF BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY Study Scheme BA/BSc. (Hon.) in Applied Psychology- Batch 2021-2024 SEMESTER- VI Course Type Course Code Title of Course Pre-requisite Course, if Periods per Week Marks Duration of Exam Credits Internal External Total Title Code L T P Total Theory Practical Theory Practical Core BPSY-DS-601 Industrial and Organizational Psychology II 3 1 0 4 100 NA 100 NA 200 3 hours 4 BAP-DS-603 Practical Training in Psychology VI 6 6 NA 50 NA 50 100 Viva 3 BPSY-DS-602 Abnormal Psychology II 3 1 0 4 100 NA 100 NA 200 3 hours 4 BPSY-DS-604 Counseling Paradigms 3 1 0 4 100 NA 100 200 3 hours 4 Internship 2 BAP-DS-605 Dissertation 0 0 0 0 NA 100 NA 100 200 Viva 4 Total for Core Course+ Discipline Centric Elective 9 3 8 20 300 150 300 150 900 21 Credit Elective Courses* Choose any 2 out of 3 PSY-GE-009 Crisis Intervention 3 1 0 4 100 NA 100 NA 200 3 hours 4 Criminal Psychology Fashion psychology 3 * Under Elective Courses, beside the mentioned Domain Specific Elective Courses, other Inter-disciplinary, Generic, on-line Courses (MOOCs etc) and other approved courses shall be offered, which shall be notified well before start of the semester. The student shall be required and allowed to opt the courses out of offered courses as per maximum limit for maximum credits and for the category of Elective Courses under University Rules. ** Term Paper / Seminar / etc ***In order for paper to be floated atleast 20% of the class strength should opt for it