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Present times teach us to go ‘beyond skills’

It is often said that ‘the worst brings out the best in you’. We understand how our environment poses different challenges for us, because of the only constant changes. It is also an established fact that the business environment is dynamic and that novelty is the prescription to sustain in today’s complex markets. Precedents seem no longer holding good in this environment which leaves the past as bygones and prepares for the unknown future.

Signals are for future professionals to prepare their skill set with what the ongoing COVID-19 crisis is teaching us. While we salute the exemplary service being put in by fellow countrymen, so as to ensure our well-being in these tough times, we must also be thankful to them for unveiling a host of capabilities to develop for ourselves. Healthcare, telecom services, civil law and order, housekeeping and sanitation, home delivery providers, media- all have paved the way for professionals to instill the following:


a)     Positive service: It is important to align oneself with the purpose of service. Many organizations have developed ‘service culture’. Now, its time to move forward to develop a ‘positive service culture’, which envelopes each team member with positivity- further to be passed on to customers. In this manner, adverse circumstances are taken over by the strong will and ‘never say die’ attitude of team members. Here, teams need to understand their alignment with the cause and purpose of the organization. This oneness of purpose is the cornerstone of positivity.

b)    Emotional resilience: When dealing with people and situations, the virtue which leads the way is one’s disposition and temperament. There are often occasions when the official or work front is highly demanding. Simultaneously, the social or home front may also exert pressure. In this tug of war, maintaining a fine balance between both fronts and bouncing back to perform is resilience. Tackling each situation with patience is the only way that may provide customers the required fairness in the outcome, procedure, and interaction. Rising up to the demand of a pressing situation is essentially the ability to accept that each situation must be tackled differently and with perseverance.

c)     Unlearning to embrace new ways: Finding solutions to customers’ problems is the key to the success of an organization. However, the same solution may not suit all. Thus, resolving problems with creatively is the need of the hour. Under changing circumstances, companies put in place new systems that may be taken up by all stakeholders in taking the organization forward. Consider, for example, the new ways in which teaching-learning processes are facilitated by technology or the way in which aggregators ensure that one is reminded about service needs through artificial intelligence. As the requirements of the market change, the workforce needs to be prepared to unlearn existing systems and to learn and embrace newer, competitively superior systems and skills

Not understating the value of aptitude, the above are routes to develop beyond skills, to equip professionals with an attitude of service, leading to success.

Written by: Dr. Deepti Dabas Hazarika, Professor and Director Faculty of Management Studies

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