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Social Work As a Career

A career in social work works on the thread of improving the lives of people through various facets including education, food, shelter, education, personality development, spreading awareness, and many others. A dedicated social worker can make a difference in someone’s lives. Schools have been making students aware of the dire need to volunteer/work for the welfare of society but not many are aware of the social work as a career option. Social Work is one of the greatest and growing professions since years but has come into the limelight in the 21st century. This career offers real rewards and challenges for the aspirants of this path.


Courses in Social Work:

BSW and MSW are full time or even a part-time/distance education course. BSW is a graduation level or entry-level course of 3 years in social work whereas MSW is a post-graduation level course of 2 years. After that, there are options of going for M.Phil or PhD also in Social Work in some specific field or area of interest like clinical social work, mental health, environmental social work or others. The students who undergo this training are also known as social work trainees. They undergo 3 to 4 days of classroom teachings and 3-4 days of fieldwork in NGOs, slums and other grassroots levels. They are trained through case studies, research work, rural camp, block placement/internship in different social issues/agencies.  

From various NGOs (non-government organizations) across the nation to social development, the curriculum of these courses provides a candidate with an in-depth knowledge about the social welfare work put into the development of humanity and other animals/birds/nature (Green Social Work). It has a great scope in today’s changing scenario seeing a growing competition, recession, unemployment in other two sectors (private and public), job dissatisfaction, exploitation at workplaces, slowing down of markets, and thereby huge potential in the social sector. 


One of the most meaningful profession in the world

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimates the growth of over 27 percent between 2012 and 2022 in the social work sector. Being a profession in demand, a career in Social Work provides a real sense of accomplishment and satisfaction to the concerned with pride of dedicating life to a worthy cause. According to Forbes Magazine, Social Work Professional rank seventh among the most meaningful professions in the world.


Top 7 Reasons to go for a degree in Social Work-

  1. If you love helping people in need.
  2. If you are a people’s person.
  3. If you like volunteering in social welfare activities without caring about pay or perquisite.
  4. If you want to be a Social Worker or Social Activist and pursue it professionally. 
  5. If you wish to have highest level of job satisfaction.
  6. If you wish to change, improve or better the surroundings and system by being part of it.
  7. Lastly, if you want to work in NGOs.


Career opportunities for a Professional Social Work Trainee

  • Healthcare social workers, clinical social workers, therapists or social workers in the field of medical health, mental health.
  • Academicians or professors in educational institutions/social work departments.
  • Researchers or fellows in research institutions.
  • Project managers/coordinators in Corporate Social Responsibility wing of big companies/MNCs, Manager in HR Department of Industries, Training coordinators.
  • Correctional homes, rehabilitation centers, prisons, old age homes, orphanages.
  • Work in Ministry of social justice, women and child, commissions of women, disabled, tribal, health ministry etc.
  • Practice as counselors or career mentors in schools, institutions, colleges or have personal practicing chamber.
  • NGOs, United Nations and its agencies.
  • Documentation and Communication Officer, Humanitarian Values and PMER Officer.
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