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The Future of Jobs

Published in Mail Today, 09 Jan 2018 Click here 

Data Scientist, Digital artist, App developer, Virtual assistant, Blogger.

What do they have in common? All these jobs that didn’t exist 20 years ago.

When I was growing up, I was not aware of the term data mining, data scientist, user-experience design or front-end engineering and now they’re some of the most desirable careers in the world. Nowadays, we can’t just prepare students for certain types of careers, we have to allow them to adapt to whatever new careers come into view.
According to a 2016 report by the World Economic Forum, by one trendy evaluation, 65% of children entering primary school these days will eventually end up functioning in entirely new job types that don’t yet exist. Even old jobs will look completely dissimilar in workplaces altered by technology, changing demographics and globalization. So how do we plan to prepare students for jobs and workplaces for future?
We can’t predict exactly what these new jobs will be. Also from the assessment of various experts, we get a fair idea about the skills required for future jobs. As an educator, it is our duty to assist the students to build up those skills.
Here are few important skills that are essential for the students to deal with the future challenges.

Complex Problem Solving:
In the industrial age of the early 20th century, most of the organisation needs workers who could basically demonstrate up on time and follow instructions. Going forward with those needs, our public education system emphasized more on seat time, rote memorization, and fundamental skills development. But in the information age of the 21st century, organisation needs workers who can think creatively, recognize and resolve more and more difficult problems. In fact, as far as the World Economic Forum report, in 2020, more than one-third (36%) of all jobs across all sectors are expected to require multifaceted problem-solving as one of their important skills.

Critical Thinking:

From Wikipedia to mass media, we’re loaded with information today than at any time in history. The trend will continue in the future, requiring employees to be more well-organized, critical thinkers and customers of information. The candidate need to quickly distinguish among credible and noncredible sources; scan information for bias, reason, and precision; and recombine those facts to generate new answer and products.


As tomorrow’s workers team up with colleagues across the hall and around the globe, they’ll need technological and communication skills and the ability to understand other cultures and viewpoint. When it comes to 21st-century students can collaborate with various online platforms to gain essential skills through which they can get a desired competitive edge.

Opportunities online platforms can provide to the students:

  • Work and learn online with peers from varied backgrounds and geographic areas
  • Team up on group projects where they learn to plan, delegate, communicate, and hold one another                     accountable for meeting a common goal
  • Practice their foreign-language and cultural skills with native speakers online
  •  Learn to use online teamwork tools respectfully and successfully from the chat room to the virtual classroom.

Here are list of few future jobs that don’t exist today:

  • Commercial Civilian Drone Operators
  • With the continued attractiveness of drones, in the future there will be drones for everything including delivery
  • services, forensics and filming. Once drones take over the world, there will be a huge need for business-related
  • civilian drone worker. This will necessitate a pilot’s license and supplementary widespread training and
  • knowledge. In the next few years, it will not be unusual to see major delivery airlines using near-pilotless
  • airplanes. Amazon has already projected the idea of using drones for local deliveries.

 Digital Currency Advisor
Whether or not you are related to Bitcoin, digital currencies are on the rise as people are becoming untrusting of         government-controlled currency. To make sure you do not have an informal financial portfolio in the future, you         require soliciting a digital currency advisor who is well-verse in the crypto currencies to uphold a diversified                 portfolio. Skills include a degree in computer safety and monetary management.

Waste Data Managers
To insure data integrity in today’s fast developing information storage industry; numerous redundancies have              been built into the system. Achieving more rationalize data storage in the future will need de-duplication                      specialists who can liberate our data centers of unnecessary copies and playful clutter.

Data Hostage Specialists
Holding people as hostages is very untidy. But holding data hostage is a less-risky crime that can be done                    remotely, and has the prospective for far greater rewards. This is especially true if the country you’re living in              overlooks your actions. This type of movement will give rise to the likes of data-hostage negotiators, data-                retrieval specialists, and damage-control analysts.

Our students have ideas that we’ve never thought of, so we have to empower them very early and make them feel that they can be change makers. To keep up with these changes people need to be quick and forget about the old idea of saying, I want to be a doctor, or I want to be a teacher. Although the demand for these service jobs will still remain important, a better way of preparing our children for the future is to educate them with numerous skills and the ability to innovate, communicate and be comfortable with technology, rather than concentrating deliberately on one area.

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