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sociology education

Sociology – Advantages and Career Prospects

Sociology is the study of human society; the way people live and interact in the world. It takes a scientific approach to the study of society, social structures and practices. As a result, since its very inception, the discipline has played a central role in the intellectual growth of social sciences across the globe. Faculties and departments teaching behavioural and social sciences in universities of repute in all over the world offer Sociology as a key subject. Here in India as well, Sociology has developed in recent years as a pioneering social science discipline given its all-encompassing scope. It is one of the fast growing disciplines, featuring among the top five most opted for courses in most prominent universities in the country.

What is Sociology?

Sociology is the study of society. It tries to understand in a creative manner how different social institution and practices are related to each other. To be put simply, sociology tells us about why people live the way they live. It looks at the interconnectedness between social behaviour of people and the cultural context they come from. Human life is not segregated into exclusive spheres. All these forces push and pull at each other in varying degrees and ways. The popularity of Sociology as a discipline arises primarily from its outlook towards the society and social relationships as a whole, rather than in fragments. The primary task of a sociologist is to understand a process or action in a culture by putting oneself in the shoes of others.  At the heart of the subject is an orientation to social justice and pluralism. The discipline aims at an imaginative, scientific and critical approach to diverse local and global cultural realities.

What do You Learn in Sociology?

A Bachelor’s programme in Sociology is divided into courses under three major heads – foundational core areas, technical and skill enhancement and elective subjects. 

The foundational courses focus on the foundational and core areas within the discipline – the major theoretical and methodological trends, the major areas in which sociological research has occurred in global and Indian sociological traditions, and the contemporary trends in the discipline. 

The skill enhancement courses help the students develop a particular skill set necessary for research and professional work. These are technical in nature, and pertain to the specialised tools and techniques required. 

Elective courses are the choice-based courses where students may opt for courses that are particular to their interest from a wide array of available options such as industrial sociology, sociology of media, sociology of development, environmental sociology, rural and urban sociology, sociology of media, sociology of law, clinical sociology, sociology of cinema, sociology of food and others.

Also Read:- Factors that Influences Students Career Choice

Top Advantages of Choosing Sociology

Sociology, one of the most sought after courses in all national and international universities of repute. It has remained among the most preferred courses among students and future employers alike. Below are the advantages that encourage you to earn your sociology degree after 12th.

Holistic understanding and interdisciplinary approach: Sociology is an integrated and holistic area of study that encompasses all major institutions within society. This helps build in students, an ability to unravel interconnections between different parameters and view different aspects of a scenario. They learn to view the social structure as a whole, through an integrated and interdisciplinary approach to society and human interaction, which is sought in areas like administration, marketing, law, and others.

Field-Oriented Education: The discipline has a particular focus in not only knowledge building, but also field-based research and community engagement. It integrates theory with experiential elements through an in-depth and rigorous training in research. It trains students in professional and inter-personal interactions.

Training in Ethnographic and Quantitative research: The programme takes an empirical approach to scholarship, and lays stress on research, training students in the tools and techniques of both qualitative and quantitative research. This helps them develop skill-sets required for many for future careers such as academics, research, marketing, corporate, etc.

Developing skill-sets: Sociological training and research develops soft-skills and emotional intelligence; and helps them grow as effective members of their communities. It teaches students to work individually and in teams, and provides professional training and skills for gathering information, analysis of data and turning it into a comprehensible and cohesive argument.

Critical and Imaginative way of thinking:  A Bachelor’s degree in Sociology enables students to develop a world-view which unravels the hidden layers of phenomena, and enables them to develop imaginative, novel, and out-of-the box thinking. It allows interpretation of culture and society from a perspective that is original and inventive.

Inimitable Discipline for further specialization and careers: Given its wide and all-encompassing scope, a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology is an inimitable and matchless programme for further specialization in areas such as developmental studies, media, administration and management, gender studies, law, and many others. It is streamlined for future careers in the civil services and local government services, journalism, non-governmental organisations, Human Rights organizations, and several other areas.

How Can You Apply For Admission in Sociology?

The admission process involves two rounds of document checking 

  •  Academic Record (9th – 12th)
  • Standardized Test – SAT/ACT (optional)
  • Short Essays
  • Letter of Recommendation
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Extra-curricular achievements

The second round will include – 

  • On-spot essay
  • Group Discussion
  • Aptitude Test
  • Personal Interview

Career Prospects After Sociology Degree

Given its wide subject matter, a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology is an inimitable and matchless program for future careers in:

  • Academics
  • Research Organisations
  • Direct entry into corporate and market research 
  • Civil services and government services
  • Journalism and communication media
  • Non-Governmental and Human Rights Organisations
  • Developmental Studies 
  • Law
  • Management Studies
  • Gender Studies


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