Workshop on Basics Of Research And Paper Writing Organized By Internal Quality Assurance Cell


On October 7th, 2023, the collaborative efforts of the School of Education and Humanities, in
association with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell, culminated in the successful organization
of a workshop centered around the theme of ‘Research Basics and Paper Writing.’ This
workshop catered specifically to the needs of Ph.D. scholars from various departments within
the University. Professor (Dr.) D.N. Sansanwal, Head and Dean, Faculty of Education, Devi Ahilya
University, Indore, was the resource person, whose adept utilization of practical examples
effectively captivated the participants, fostering active engagement throughout the workshop. A
total of 36 research scholars and faculty members attended the workshop.
The event’s hallmark was its interactive nature, featuring a dedicated question-and-answer
segment. This segment proved invaluable to scholars, providing them a platform to seek
clarification on intricate concepts and deepen their comprehension of fundamental research
principles. Through this dynamic exchange, participants addressed their doubts and gained
invaluable insights, thus further enriching their academic pursuits.