Pre- Orientation Of First Sem Students, MRU- Day-3

The Third Day Session was opened by Dr. Hanu Bhardwaj, Director CDC, by giving the students a quick recap of the last 2 days of the Pre-Orientation Session. 

It was followed by session Social Media Etiquette, Email Etiquette and Resume Building  by Ms. Antara. 

Mr. Nitin, from Team CDC shared the details of LinkedIn and LinkedIn learning. 

As the students prepare for their major transition from school to college, Mr. Nitesh spoke about the life changing transformation from ‘school to college to corporate’. The learning was instilled through an inspirational video story of a carpenter.

One of the major highlights of the day was the interaction with Dr. N.C Wadhwa, Vice Chairman of Dr. O.P Bhalla Foundation, and Director General, MREI.  Dr. Wadhwa’s inspiring talk about the philanthropic ISR activities of the foundation instilled a sense of responsibility for the young MR’ites. Ms.Vaishali Mathur & Mr. Mayank from the Foundation also shared their perspectives with the students. 

The day concluded with the students’ feedback about the Pre-Orientation. It was heart-warming to hear the positive words from them. They seem very eager to integrate with their new extended family, the Manav Rachna Family. 

Few excerpts from the student testimonials:-

1. “The three days helped us to break out nervousness about the unknown which is our new college life”

2.”We really enjoyed the three days of Pre-Orientation, and were given so much information that I will keep with me for my entire life”

3. “We really look forward to coming to campus physically, and experience the new life”

Before the session was closed, Dr. Hanu Bhardwaj and Mr. Nitesh, assured the students that in the new journey that they are about to embark on, Team Career Development Centre is always with them as a catalyst of hope, courage and enthusiasm. And that they can feel free to talk with Team CDC, whenever they feel the need to be with or talk to someone, especially when they are new and for the first time away from home.