Workshop On Programmable Logic Controllers PLC

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Manav Rachna University organized a Workshop on PLC.

The workshop was conducted by Assistant Professor Niharika Thakur, ECE. All the faculty members of the ECE department, MRU participated in the workshop.
The session began with the introduction to PLC’s covering its various modules, architecture and industrial applications. The introduction covered software programming of the PLC in Ladder logic. The platform provided a hands-on experience to the participants.
A session on hardware was also conducted. It covered the hardware which is available at the control systems engineering Lab, ECE Department, MRU. They were made given training on the interfacing and programming of the PLC with the available hardware.

The session was followed by an interactive session.

Dr. Manish Sharma and Mr. Shakir from SGT University, Gurgaon also attended the workshop.